How wonderful to be in the hands of the living God. It is the adventure of a lifetime! ~Corrie Ten Boom

Monday, August 6, 2012

Crashing into God's Grace, Abundance and Blessings

Full, little boys, symphonic laughter fills the house and I cannot help but laugh too as four-year-old Luke waddles to me with a face plastered in thick clumps of nutella. Eight-year-old Jack follows closely behind his younger brother, “The point of eating is to get the food in your mouth, not on your face silly” he jokes…

I smile at the unfolding memory filled with pure and simple beauty as I snuggle in my cozy black chair in my bedroom with a warm mug of bedtime tea.  After a long 8-½ hour workday and 40-hour week to say I am exhausted is an understatement. Yet, in the stillness of the night I can hear the notes of grace playing everywhere, in everything. The grace of God is simply ridiculous. All is grace. It’s always the simple things that change our lives. But I know that grace rarely makes sense for those looking in from the outside.

“Out of God’s abundance we have received one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessings and favor upon favor and gift heaped upon gift” ~John 1:14;16 (paraphrase)

And sure I am tired, but I am also bursting with a heavenly joy. Because bent down low is where I find fullness of joy. I have never felt closer to the heart of my sweet Jesus. Joyful, filled, and content.  This summer hasn’t been glamorous. I don’t have a really hip and cool internship or job that I can put on my resume. Nothing that would promote myself in the “real world” or help me climb the ladder of success. I wake up early every morning to love on two precious boys. But I am racking up lessons learned where it matters most: purifying my heart. Deep spiritual truths are learned while cleaning up spilled apple juice on the carpet for the second time today. Daily I witness profound and convicting Kingdom of God wisdom come out of the mouths of two little boys.

But even though I am blessed beyond comprehension--Somedays are just messy and hard. Somedays I don’t want to get out of bed. Somedays I don’t have the energy to step out of my car and start another long day where I will be tested, pushed, and challenged to patiently love and put myself last. Somedays I just want to go back to sleep and wake up when some of the mess and hard is over.

I park. Turn the keys in the ignition, close my eyes, open my hands and just sit. So empty today, Lord. I can’t do this. I don’t want to do this. What is the point of giving of myself everyday? And Yahweh fills up my spirit with just one word, enough.

Holy Spirit.

Father of Abundance.

The Trinity Givers of endless blessings. Following King Jesus is really hard. But it’s worth it. He is enough. In this mess…I am blessed. The nearer I draw to a holy, loving God, all the “I”s (I’m tired. I can’t do this. I’m empty, I not the person you want”), they fall to the side and are replaced by a willing Yes.

 Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go: He’s the one who will keep you on track. ~Proverbs 3:6 (MSG)

I know what I am doing.  I have it all planned out: plans to take care of you, not to abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. ~Jeremiah 29:11 (MSG)

Prayer isn’t merely talking to God — it is being transformed by God. And in the praying — it becomes not about what I want — but what God wills. Reminding me to never despair of a situation more than I trust in my Savior. I remember the faithfulness of my God. Time and time again He comes through. This day shall be no different. In recollecting all the goodness’s of God — all the brokenness in me re-collects. I am put back together. In remembering God’s enoughness. I am re-membered. And I find healing in the deepest places of my weary and restless heart.

“As those who are chosen, blessed, broken, and given, we are called to live our lives with a deep inner joy and peace. Imagine that, in the center of your heart, you trust that your smiles and handshakes, your embraces and your kisses are only the early signs of a worldwide community of love and peace. (The Kingdom of God.) We become beautiful people when we give whatever we can give: a smile, a handshake, a kiss, an embrace, a word of love, a present, a part of our life…all of our life. “ ~Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen

I want to do everything well and beautifully with eagerness and delight leaving a trail of loveliness behind. Life is so full. How can I possibly be thankful enough? How can I possibly learn enough? How can I possibly laugh enough? Oh, God knows. God knows. Jesus is the source of my comfort and my enoughness. I am so glad Yeshua holds my heart when I feel so overwhelmed by the mingling of immense beauty and deep heartache of life.

In two months, I will be starting my senior year of college as a nineteen year old. What? How did that happen? Life centered in God’s grace and enoughness is one set-apart, crazy, ridiculous adventure after another. Nothing in my life makes sense other than Jesus has full reign.

In one short month, I will be packing up and moving back to Seattle to start three weeks of training to be an Resident Assistant at SPU. Living on a floor with 45+ girls and charged with the task of build a thriving, life-giving, grace-filled community. Only by God’s grace. God’s enoughness.

 In two weeks, I will be preaching at my church for the third time. I started preaching when I was just fourteen years old! Who in the world would let a fourteen-year-old girl get up in front of a congregation and preach? Only by God’s grace. God’s enoughness.

In 5 days, I get on a plane with my family to look into the face of some of my deepest fears and insecurities—Seminary. I will be visiting and interviewing at Duke Divinity School in North Carolina. It has been a long, hard journey to get to this point. I am nervous, excited, and feeling completely unqualified to even walk on the campus of such an unrivaled, first-rate program. Only by God’s grace. God’s enoughness.

Today, I have an eight-hour day with two boys filled with continuous energy and an unrelenting spirit for testing boundaries before me. I will love on them and teach them about a different way of living. Only by God’s grace. God’s enoughness.

Friends, my prayer for all of you is the same. May you crash into God’s grace and enoughness today no matter where you find yourselves. He is there in the midst of the joy, beauty, blessings, hard, and messy.

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