How wonderful to be in the hands of the living God. It is the adventure of a lifetime! ~Corrie Ten Boom

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The awakening of a beautiful two years.

“I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly. Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye. Out of the darkness and into the sun. I won't forget the place I come from. I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change and Breakaway. SPU are you READY??!!” ~September 22, 2011

“Seattle Pacific University, is e a dream come true, flawless, mesmerizingly beautiful, charming, and a soul mate! I am very blessed and thankful to be here. Grateful to God for making this possible! God truly does give good gifts to His beloved children!!” ~September 25, 2011

I love overcast, drizzly fall mornings. I broke out my rain boots today. They're pink with a vintage-y floral print. They make me happy. And I can use all the happy thoughts I can get when I have to wake up at 6:45AM Monday-Thursday for my Music Theory and Aural Skills (Music Ear Training) classes. As much as I fight the early mornings, a part of me secretly loves waking up early. The campus that is usually booming with life and chaos is still deep in slumbers until about 9am. Those courageous and daring enough to take early morning classes quietly walk around like ghost around campus.
I have found joy and peace eating breakfast at 7:20 AM in an almost empty cafeteria with my brown sugar and raisin oatmeal with a steamy hot mug of coffee. Most mornings I sit by myself, which oddly I enjoy and look forward too. It is the only time of the day where I can hear my own thoughts. A few minutes where I can be content with just my own presence and God's. I get time to reflect on my schedule for the day and decide early in the morning how I am going to live out my day. To be joyful always, to show grace and love to the students and staff that I encounter today, to make a conscious effort to stop and be thankful for the everyday miracles all around me. My life is very, very full here at SPU.

I was told not to have too high expectations for college. I told myself that I didn't want to be let down. But as the hopelessly over the top dreamer that I am, I couldn’t help myself. I dreamed big! I wanted only the best and most wonderful college experience. And after almost two weeks of being at SPU I have realize my dreams were not that far off. My expectations have been fulfilled. I already feel deeply cared for and loved by the girls on my floor. We are a family. The community here on campus is strong and connected by a common love for Jesus which then reflects itself in a genuine love for others. It is absolutely beautiful. You should come visit and see for yourself. I promise you will be shocked and inspired. I know I have been.
My relationship with God is stronger and more alive and thriving than ever. I am in an environment that is constantly encouraging me to go deeper in the everlasting ocean that is God. To know more, feel more, believe more, accomplish more, and be more and more like the Jesus who loves me so much-for a world that is thirsty for Him. I am discovering everyday more and more about who I am, my calling, my talents and gifts. I am pushed to perfect and nurture the talents that God has entrusted me with. These are exciting days in the Kingdom of God. I am pumped to have a part in what God is doing and moving in the world. It's about time for an Awakening and/or Revival! SPU has a heart for the things that break God's heart. These past few days have been incredible. Every single day I am inspired, encouraged, moved, empowered, and thankful!

Don't be fooled though. It is hard being here too. My professors see my potential and will not let me casually stroll through class on just my natural talent in communications and music like I have been able to get away with in high school. Since I am at a small university the professors invest in each student and really know the gifts and talents and natural ability of each student. They have not let me be lazy and just give enough to get by. They encourage me to pour out everything. To work hard not just to get by, but to go above and beyond. My professors, pastors, and God since I have been at SPU have given me a vision of my ministry potential. They have asked me to consider what I could accomplish for the Kingdom of God, if I devoted myself for the next two years to learn, grow, and constantly step outside my comfort zone. If I think my life is full now, if I think my ministry is alive and good now what could it be if I poured out absolutely everything the Lord has given me?
(Don't worry I have been taking as many breaks as I can for FUN too! There is not shortage of fun on campus)
And so the past two weeks I have been working harder than ever, I study a bunch and practice non stop. I live, breathe, and dream music, communications, and the Bible. There are moments where I hate it. I just want to quit and take the easy and comfortable way out. But I have seen such progress in just a week of school and training that I get empowered to keep on pushing through. If I already see improvement now where will I be after fall quarter? After a year? After two years? The possibilities are endless and exciting. Without a doubt I am called to be at SPU.

I will do my best to continue to keep you all updated on my adventures here! It truly is a set apart adventure. Love you all!


The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, for He has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be SET FREE! And that the time of the LORD’s favor has come. ~Luke 4:18-19

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