This week I have been a leader at my church’s Vacation Bible School. It is definitely what I love to do! Working with kids, loving on them and best of all teaching them about my beloved Savior!! Since I love it soo much I pour out every drop of my energy and love on these kids and I get wiped out. But every morning when I get up early to have my Jesus time before I leave for camp--God fills me right back up again! I have caught myself praying this week that He would show up to VBS and work through me as I love and teach these kids about Him. Then I realized today that I just need to keep breathing in His love and grace. To know I don’t have to pray for God to show up today because God has invited me to be apart of this ministry. Of course He will show up and lead me. This isn’t about me or what I’m doing. It is about God and HIS plans and will. I am just honored to be invited and come along for the ride and to have Him use me in all this.
“Too often we face our future not with a sense of who He is and what He is calling us to, but with who we are and what we are capable of”
I struggle back and forth with this is my faith walk. I know what I am good at; I know what I am passionate for, I know who I am. So I try to plan my life around this information and figure it must be what God wants. But that just isn’t always true. My life isn’t about me and accomplishing things out of my power and talents but God’s power and His plans. I am a planner. It just who I am. It is a great gift to have in ministry work because there is so much planning to be done. But I often carry that over into my life and have to have my life planned out. I need to know where I am going to college, what I am going to do, where I am going to travel…the list goes on and on. This summer I am learning to live each day to the fullest and to live ONE DAY AT A TIME! It sounds like an easy goal but it is honestly really hard.
I catch myself planning my life all the time. I think it has to be what God wants without ever really spend a lot of hours in prayer and reading and meditating on scripture. In other words, I didn’t prink about it very well. Prinking is one of my new favorite words. It is praying + thinking biblically (reading scriptures). I am trying to work on prinking about everything before I say yes to something or start planning. I find tons of comfort in this verse:
Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” ~Proverbs 19:21
Oh Lord please let your purpose prevail in my life. If my plans don’t match with Yours then don’t let them happen. Am I truly following YOUR Will or am I doing my own will and calling it yours? Keep working in my life and heart to make Your plans, desires and dreams. My plans, desires and dreams.
Totally off topic but I want to share my beautiful God moment of the month! My mom was talking to my sick Great Grandmother in the hospital and telling her that I feel called to work with orphans around the world and to start my own non profit. She said it with a HUGE smile on her face and with her full support.
What a mega unexpected blessing that was! I knew that this life God has called me to would not be easy. I knew that people would disapprove and not understand. I always expected the worst. But I am just in amazement in how you have worked in my mom’s heart! Reminds me of this quote from missionary, Bethany Haley:
“Realizing more and more that I am less blown away at God’s hand in my life. Not because He is less amazing—but because I’m expecting His hand around every corner more and more.”
The meditations God has put on my heart this week! Will you join me in praying that we would make sure that we are following God’s plans and not our own?
Point out the road I must travel; I'm all ears, all eyes before You. Teach me how to live to please You because you're my God. ~Psalm143:8&10
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