When I was reflecting this morning on all the extreme storms, testing, trials, and tons of raindrop days I have been through. I caught myself smiling and being totally grateful for it all. Because all those tough times forced me into the arms of my sweet Jesus—I had forgotten how beautiful a place it is to be in His arms. How much peace comes with being wrapped in His Presence. I learned some painful lessons, but they are lessons learned and mistakes, by God’s grace and power, I will not make again.
“But God had a purpose for this heartbreak experience…and it was through this, the death of my vision, the death of my way, that He really became even more real in my life”

The above quote was in a book I read recently and it spoke so deeply to my heart I had to share it! God has a purpose and plan for every heartbreak experience we have to face during our life here on earth. Whether it is due to your own mistakes or something life throws at you—He was a plan to use it to better you! Which goes to shows that my plans are not God’s plans. God control the pen of my life story.
The AMAZING thing is that even during our short comings, our mistakes, our sinful flesh: God is good. ALL THE TIME! Honestly, He makes ALL things work together for our (those who love and put their trust in Him) good! God even uses our brokenness and turns into something beautiful! He is God. He is good. He can do what He wants when He wants how He wants. He is God and He gives life. If God is for us, who can be against us? He is alive and working on our behalf at all times. He makes all things work together for our good.
“Simply put, if you are not willing to take what is dearest to you, whether plans or people, and kiss it goodbye, you can’t be my disciple” ~Luke 14:33 MSG
I have been reading tons of convicting, soul stirring books and Scripture lately. It leaves a lot on my heart and mind that I need to process through. Fill me with your Spirit Father. I’m so done with myself. I want to be over with MY will, MY dreams, MY ideas, MY plans. I want YOU! All of You!
Absolute surrender is a daily decision. I need to keep fighting. Keep pressing on. Not with my own strength and energy but with God’s. Everything that I am learning and all the resources He has given me, is going to take all summer to work and pray through. This is a summer of solitude, serving and going deeper with Jesus. Where will that bring me to? I have no idea. But I have full confidence that He will guide me to what His will for me is. He will open doors and continue to show me what His plans for my life are.
As a result of all this, my prayer for this summer after such a trial filled spring is…

God, don’t let me go back to normal. Let me keep running towards You. I don’t want to think that I can make it on my own and leave the peace and strength that I have being in Your arms. To continue keeping my gaze--my eyes fixed on my precious Jesus. I love you dearly! I adore you! You are absolutely all I want. Make me ablaze for you like never before. I want to sparkle with Christ. Showcase the radiance of Christ. To have you consuming more of my life every day! Continue to give me the wisdom, strength and energy to process and really take in all that you are showing me during this season of serving and solitude. All praise, glory and honor to the wonderful name of the Most High King!
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