Raining cold morning today. So peaceful. Wearing an oversized sweatshirt and comfy yoga pants with my grande peppermint mocha from Starbucks in my hand as I watch the rain fall from Heaven. Beautiful! These are the mornings when I start to reflect on God’s Word and my life like crazy. Today I am prayerfully asking God to give me the courage to stand for the Truth, love radically, live fearlessly, speak boldly and to be obedient to His Will (no matter what)! I know that is asking a lot. But I fully believe that God is faithful to keep transforming and molding me to be more and more like that! You have to trust in God’s perfect plan, rely on His wisdom, strength and faithfulness in your life. Because the truth is He is doing such wonderful work through you! Satan will do everything in his power to convince you that it is not true.
So, let me choose JOY. Joy in persecution, in my hardships. Joy in knowing I’m doing my Father’s work no matter the cost. There is nothing on earth that compares to knowing and loving Jesus.
“You will never be in control of your life circumstances, but you can relax and trust in My control. Instead of striving for a predictable, safe lifestyle, seek to know Me in a greater depth and extent. I long to make your life a glorious adventure, but you must stop clinging to old ways.”
Let me lean and depend on You (God) for everything. Keep me humbled and let me spend more time on my knees in adoration prayer to You than having myself be given glory. Why would someone give a pot an award or praise for being so well made and useful? No, that is silly! You would give the award and praise to the Potter, the Creator of the pot. In the same way, I think it is extremely silly and ridiculous when people do that to me. I am just the pot. My prayer is that when I am given praise, awards, or recognition for something that I will immediately show them My Potter’s signature written on my heart. Because the truth is: I am not here to look good. I am not here to show anyone how to make good sound decisions. I am here to bring glory to God, to be less, so that He can be more in me and through me, to boast in my weaknesses. It is incredibly counter-flesh.
As of today Lord, you have called me to here to my Pacific Northwest hometown. Calling me to love the people you have put in my life here and to help them grow closer to You. I could leave to love on the people in Africa or Haiti. And I do believe that one day you will call me to do that. But as of now my job is to be right where I am; loving on the people here who You might inspire through me to do the same thing (going out into all the world to share the Good News and love of Jesus Christ).

CSU Prayer Night with my girls
As of now I am working on being an RN (registered nurse) by the time I am 20! To be able to actually know how to help spiritually AND physically hurting people all over the world. I am absolutely terrified of blood, guts etc but my passion to serve and help those who no one will help is more powerful than the fear. Nursing would NEVER in a million years be my first choice for a major but as I look back you have been shining a light on this path. It will not be easy. I am going to have to lean on you constantly to help me do it. But, I trust that if this is truly the path you want me to go on you will work everything out and give me all the strength I need. I can honestly say with all my heart that I believe I am exactly where you want me to be and doing what you have called me to do right now. I am more joyful and full of passion and a burning fire to love like never before!

My Bravehearted Hero, Jesus Christ, you are sooo good. You never let me down. Your love for me is constant and overflowing. I’m NEVER left questioning or confused about your love! My Forever Love, our adventurous, beautiful, fairy tale story is eternal!
I have seen first hand all that you can accomplish through me when I am obedient to your Will. I have learned the difficult but joyfully sweet process of coming day after day to the foot of your throne in prayer asking for wisdom or praying for hurting people. You have taught me how to have genuine, selfless, humble, and constant love for others. Keep revealing to me my calling with orphans and the unloved, sick, hurting children all around the world. They have stolen my heart. Is it possible to have your heart ache for children you don’t even know? YES! I feel it everyday.
Selfless, humble, constant love is a challenge—I believe it is impossible without God’s gift of a new heart.

God check my heart. Make sure in everything I do my heart is in the right place. That everything about me: my actions, words, choices, life would be a beautiful reflection of you. I want the heart of Jesus. What matters most is where your heart is at and I want my heart to be in your hands. You alone deserve to sit on the throne of my heart…it belongs to you. Jesus, if You have my heart you will impact all that flows out of it and I know the results will be incredible. Please, I BEG You, take my heart, mold it and change it make it more like Yours. I want to see you in everything! For you to always be on my mind, to seek you constantly! I want a heart that beats for the Lord with a love no one can take away.
How can I possibly love these orphans unless I am allowing the Lord to change my heart.
God will change my heart by dwelling within me. I cannot save and impact lives for the Kingdom, love fully, and restore and rescue all 147 million orphans around the world that hold my heart…BUT GOD IS ABLE! Live through me. Work through me. I am willing!
There are some days I can really feel the sting of the life I have chosen. It is a challenge. But soooo worth it. This is what it means to be a follower of Christ. Your love makes every hardship, struggle, fear, loss all completely worth it!

“The fact is NOTHING should concern us more than our relationship with God; it’s about eternity. And nothing compares with that. God is not someone who can be tacked on to our lives” ~Francis Chan
At the end of life, we will not be judge by our SAT scores, how high your GPA was, how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done; We will be judged by this: How we lived our lives, radically loving and serving others and loving God with everything realizing the world is nothing in comparison.
So two hours and my last sip of coffee later…I am left with this. All the above is what I have been learning and what God has been showing me. It feels good to write it all down. I don’t find a lot of time to just sit and write like this and as always there is just so much to say!! Now that it’s summer I will hopefully be able to write more. Because there is so much more on my heart that I need to write down. Writing is one of my love languages with God. How God has wired me to process things. It is cool that you get to be apart of this: a little peek into the window of my heart and my adventure and relationship with Jesus Christ! And so I leave you with this quote.
“You CANNOT meet the Creator of the Universe and remain the same. If the God who is all powerful, all knowing, and all present comes to dwell within your soul, you would expect at least some minor disruption. I think there’s a problem when people talk about meeting God or knowing God and yet, remain unchanged by God. When the Creator chooses to dwell within His creation there is transformation. If Jesus has come to dwell within you, you are no longer suited for a normal life.”

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