One of my favorite parts in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is when Edmund (who is captured by the White Witch) recognizes that her powers are declining.
“Now they were steadily racing on again. And soon Edmund noticed that the snow which splashed against them as they rushed through it was much wetter than it had been last night…And his heart gave a great leap when he realized that the frost was over.”
Aslan, by returning to Narnia, broke the White Witch spell. This is good news for Edmund. Edmund is currently captured by the White Witch because he betrayed his brothers and sisters. Because of his “sin” he became a slave to the Witch. He is traveling with the Witch as she is looking for his siblings to kill them. Edmund is tired and feels horrible and guilty for betraying his family. He believed he was utterly hopeless as he traveled with the dark, twisted Witch in the freezing winter. The White Witch had total power over Edmund.
Edmund, by his own sin and short coming, got himself in this hopeless situation. But in the middle of their travels He sees signs of spring. Which could only mean one thing…“Aslan is on the move”. This statement brought hope to all of Narnia. In the Narnia series, Aslan is called “the true king…the Son of the great Emperor-beyond-the-sea…Great Lion of Narnia, the ruler of all Narnia” Narnians have been waiting for the day that Aslan would come and get rid of the White Witch and the hundred years of winter would be over. Edmund now he had hope—“Aslan is on the move”. Maybe Aslan could save him and his siblings?
I can relate this to the story of Israel (what a shock)—God’s chosen people. They went from a close relationship with God to having their hearts go cold. They turned their backs to God. They went astray. God knew His people would fall short. He planned to send a Savior to them. Israel was waiting to be redeemed. Instead of finding hope in “Aslan is on the move” they found it in “the Messiah is coming”. Jesus Christ is known as the Lion of Judah, King of kings, the Son of God, and the ruler of all. Are you starting to see the parallel between this fictional, beloved children’s story and the very REAL story of Christmas. “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” is so powerful because it is our story. We have all been in the place of Edmund. We have been slaves to sin, lost and helpless. But, Hallelujah, Jesus Christ came at Christmas to offer us new life and hope, to free us from Satan and sin.
Just like when Aslan arrives the dark magic on Narnia begins to break and spring appears—When Jesus was born on Christmas the curse of sin and the power of Satan over us began to break. 1 John 3:8 says “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work”
Yet, the Witch is fighting the truth that her power is beginning to fade. She tries to make it so Edmund can’t see that winter is beginning to turn to spring. C.S Lewis writes, “This didn’t prevent Edmund from seeing. Only five minutes later did he notice a dozen crocuses growing around the foot of an old tree—gold and purple and white”.
This is SO typical Satan. He knows. He understands that now Christ is born and He has absolutely no power anymore. His power is all illusions. Making us believe the lies that He has power over our lives. But my friends let me warn you. Satan is VERY good at this. He is a master of illusions. The last thing Satan wants is for us to have hope. For us to realize that we are no longer slaves to him or sin. Praise the Lord that we have a Savior who can make the blind see. Who can open our eyes to the lies and illusions of Satan.
This reminds me of the first part of the Christmas song, O Come, O Come Emmanuel and God rest ye Merry Gentlemen.
“Oh, come, oh, come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here--Until the Son of God appear. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to you, O Israel!”
“This day is born a Savior. Of a pure Virgin bright,To free all those who trust in Him--From Satan's power and might.O tidings of comfort and joy”
Christmas is the arrival of hope, of the long awaited Savior. It is the start of Satan losing His power over us. (It wasn’t till Christ work on the cross that we were completely set free from Satan’s power and sin). Christmas is when the melting began.
I love the metaphor for snow melting that C.S Lewis uses in this book. It reminds me that God has the power to transform a cold heart, bit by bit, into a burning heart for Him. This is a truth for both believers and non-believers. God can transform even the most committed, firm standing atheist into a Christ believer who leads thousands to salvation (example: Acts 8-9 the story of Saul turned Paul). However, even as current followers of Christ, I can promise you that you’ll go through a season of winter. Just like you can count on the changing of the seasons: Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. You will go through trials and tough times that will feel like “winter”. But, remember we have the hope of Christmas. We can hold on to the promise that winter brings Christmas. CHRISTmas dwells within us. In the middle of long, cold, and dark days we can find warmth, joy, and love. Hold on to the promise that after the season of winter; spring will surely come. When the snow in Narnia melts, it is an allusion to how winter in our hearts gives way to a spring time of faith.
Oh what joy to know Aslan and Jesus are on their way to bring light and hope to these two worlds. But, things are far from over. Actually our Christmas story has only just begun. Check out next post December 20th to find out the rest…
How wonderful to be in the hands of the living God. It is the adventure of a lifetime! ~Corrie Ten Boom
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Always Winter, Never Christmas
I am beyond excited to FINALLY be posting my first post to the True Magic of Christmas Blog Series. I know I am extremely far behind in posting this series, so I will be posting a new blog every other day until Christmas Eve which will be the finale of this series. I promise the long wait will be worth it. So make sure to check my blog on December 18th , 20th , 22nd , and 24th !!!
I recommend these books to everyone. They are simply amazing. I do like the movies but it doesn’t compare to the book. And in order to go on this journey with me this week you must have a basic knowledge of the book. In other words, you need some training before embarking on the journey. If you have read The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe, congratulations, you are ready to go. If not, I have added the SparkNotes link. Take 5 minutes or less to read and get a good understanding of the story’s plot and characters.
Let’s jump to another world quickly. This world is our own world 2,000 years ago, a time where just like Narnia, there was no such thing as Christmas. The people of Israel have been in its own time of continuous winter. Maybe not physically but metaphorically. The world is dark and being held to the Law of God. No matter how hard anyone tries, they never meet its standards. Everyone is broken knowing they have fallen short of what God created them to be. Consequently, Satan has taken over. The promised Light of the World has not yet come. People are waiting to be ransomed from Satan’s power over their lives. The world is filled with darkness and is cold. Kind of like an unending winter.
Israel has its own set of prophecies of a Messiah. The Redeemer will come to abolish the current curse on the world and bring light, hope, and freedom. The most common prophecy is from Isaiah. It was prophesied about 700 years before Jesus’ birth.
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadows of death a light has dawned. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. ~Isaiah 9:1-2
I have always been a dreamer. This mind, this imagination, the Lord has given me is constantly filled with new ideas, wonder, and always pushing the definition of what’s impossible. Because with God absolutely NOTHING is impossible. I am relentless in looking for a good adventure and have an addictive love for metaphors. I cannot get enough of metaphors and similes. I naturally come up with new metaphors to describe my life or the things happening around me. By now you’re most likely wondering where I am going with this. You’re thinking, “Oh no, Heidi is rambling on again”. Yes I have a tendency to ramble BUT…I actually do have a point. As we spend the next week exploring the True Magic of Christmas we will make use of the Narnia Series. One book in particular from the Narnia Series: The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe.
This book has so many brilliant metaphors to Christmas that I am bursting with excitement to start showing you them. Narnia is a magical world, filled with adventure, epic battles of good vs. evil, noble love, ordinary people who become heroes (both boys and girls) willing to risk everything for the greater good, and a mighty King lion named Aslan who always comes through to save the day.
I recommend these books to everyone. They are simply amazing. I do like the movies but it doesn’t compare to the book. And in order to go on this journey with me this week you must have a basic knowledge of the book. In other words, you need some training before embarking on the journey. If you have read The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe, congratulations, you are ready to go. If not, I have added the SparkNotes link. Take 5 minutes or less to read and get a good understanding of the story’s plot and characters.
Know that SparkNotes will only give you an understanding of the book but I HIGHLY recommend you take the time during Christmas Break to read this book. It is short and an easy read and has a myriad of parallels to the Gospel
* * * *
There will be two different worlds that we will be jumping back and forth to. One is the land of Narnia where anything is possible. The second is an enchanting and holy night that happened over 2,000 years ago in the sleepy town of Bethlehem.
Are you ready? If not, this is the last time you’ll be able to walk away. Once you take the first step there is no going back. The path is narrow. I cannot promise you it will be an easy journey. It will take courage, an open mind, and trusting in someone bigger than yourself.
We will start our week long adventure by walking through an ancient old Wardrobe hidden upstairs in a forgotten room filled with dust. Take a deep breath, remember you are not alone, take a step of faith, and feel the bitter-cold cut right through your oversized coat as you enter a world that is currently stuck in a perpetual winter…
* * * *
“She has made an enchantment over the whole country so that it is always winter here and never Christmas. How awful is that! ” ~Lucy, to her siblings in the book, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Can you imagine a world where it was always winter but never Christmas? What a horrible thought. When Lucy first visits Narnia it’s under the curse of the White Witch. Therefore, Narnia is a world that is in slavery and oppression to the White Witch. It is a world that waits for restoration. Waiting for Aslan to come and destroy the Witch and bring spring. Why is everyone waiting for Aslan to come? There are old Narnian prophesies which speak of the coming of Aslan! Mr. Beaver shares one of them with the children in chapter 8,
“Wrong will be right, when Aslan come in sight,
At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more,
When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death,
And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again.”
Let’s jump to another world quickly. This world is our own world 2,000 years ago, a time where just like Narnia, there was no such thing as Christmas. The people of Israel have been in its own time of continuous winter. Maybe not physically but metaphorically. The world is dark and being held to the Law of God. No matter how hard anyone tries, they never meet its standards. Everyone is broken knowing they have fallen short of what God created them to be. Consequently, Satan has taken over. The promised Light of the World has not yet come. People are waiting to be ransomed from Satan’s power over their lives. The world is filled with darkness and is cold. Kind of like an unending winter.
Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of Law….the Scriptures declare that the whole world is a prisoner to sin, so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe. Before faith came, we were held prisoners by the law, locked up until faith should be revealed. ~Galatians 3:10, 22-23
Israel has its own set of prophecies of a Messiah. The Redeemer will come to abolish the current curse on the world and bring light, hope, and freedom. The most common prophecy is from Isaiah. It was prophesied about 700 years before Jesus’ birth.
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadows of death a light has dawned. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. ~Isaiah 9:1-2
Narnia has been in a never ending winter for over 100 years. Everyone is slaves to the evil White Witch. Israel has been waiting for thousands of years for the Messiah, stuck in a world where everyone is slaves to sin and Satan is the ruling king. Both these worlds are waiting for hope. Yet, I have a feeling that the long season of waiting is about to come to an end. Aslan and the Messiah are on the move. Yes, I do believe, Hope is coming to these two worlds.
I guess we will find out for sure on Saturday December 18th….
Monday, November 29, 2010
Do you feel it? Can you smell it dancing in the air? Can’t you hear the peaceful melody making its way around the world? Is your heart jumping with anticipation?
Christmas is a time when love seems almost touchable: when everyone seems to be drunk with a radical love. A giving love. There is an aroma of magnificent evergreen trees and scrumptious cookies filling houses with a sweet scent. Christmas is a moment during the year when you can hear songs of truth and anticipation of a coming Savior, a Redeemer, on mainstream radio stations…and people are actually singing along.
I have always adored Christmas time. It is a time of year of snuggling in your favorite chair, with your bible and journal, close to a cozy fire. And you can’t forget about your favorite Holiday drink from Starbucks! The red and white cup is easily my favorite accessory to any outfit. Christmas is a magical and enchanting season of laughter, warmth, love, traditions, family and faith.
The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God — children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. ~John 1:9-14
However, we can easily miss the true magic of Christmas. In order to keep myself in the right heart and mind set to truly partake and experience Christmas to the fullest I have decided to have my next blog series be: “The True Magic of Christmas”. Each week I will share where God is taking me on this journey to discover the True Magic of Christmas. Christmas is about reliving the eagerness and hope of being lost in the dark and knowing that the Light of the World will soon dwell among us. He will soon find us!!
The first post in the series will be titled “Always Winter, Never Christmas”! Keep an eye out for it! Should be posted this week!
“Remember, Christ, our Saviour
Was born on Christmas day
To save us all from Satan's power
When we were gone astray”
Love and Blessings,
Heidi :)
Christmas is a time when love seems almost touchable: when everyone seems to be drunk with a radical love. A giving love. There is an aroma of magnificent evergreen trees and scrumptious cookies filling houses with a sweet scent. Christmas is a moment during the year when you can hear songs of truth and anticipation of a coming Savior, a Redeemer, on mainstream radio stations…and people are actually singing along.
I have always adored Christmas time. It is a time of year of snuggling in your favorite chair, with your bible and journal, close to a cozy fire. And you can’t forget about your favorite Holiday drink from Starbucks! The red and white cup is easily my favorite accessory to any outfit. Christmas is a magical and enchanting season of laughter, warmth, love, traditions, family and faith.
The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God — children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. ~John 1:9-14
However, we can easily miss the true magic of Christmas. In order to keep myself in the right heart and mind set to truly partake and experience Christmas to the fullest I have decided to have my next blog series be: “The True Magic of Christmas”. Each week I will share where God is taking me on this journey to discover the True Magic of Christmas. Christmas is about reliving the eagerness and hope of being lost in the dark and knowing that the Light of the World will soon dwell among us. He will soon find us!!
The first post in the series will be titled “Always Winter, Never Christmas”! Keep an eye out for it! Should be posted this week!
“Remember, Christ, our Saviour
Was born on Christmas day
To save us all from Satan's power
When we were gone astray”
Love and Blessings,
Heidi :)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Adventure to Discover the Adventure
Oh Friends, how I wish this was not the title of this blog. I wish we didn’t have to go on a journey, an adventure, to find the map that will show us the road to take for our life adventure. But as I’m about to start a new chapter in my life--the titled would be: “The Journey to Find the Map”. I believe with all my heart that God holds the pen of my life story. That He is scripting out the most beautiful, crazy, captivating, thrilling, story with twist and turns that will keep, not only myself on my toes, but anyone else who decides to watch my story play out.
I'm not sharing the remarkable details of all that has happened this week yet. When the time is right I will open up those few pages of that chapter of my life…but it might not be for a long…long…time. God is preparing me for something big. I can feel it. The wonderful supporting characters in my life story sense it also. What that is, I do not know. But, God Almighty knows. I must trust that my Good Shepherd will lead me on the right path.
Speaking of the wonderful supporting characters in my life story, they deserve a public thank you. God has blessed me with arguably the best supporting characters I could ever ask for. They pray their guts out for me, and desperately want me to discover God’s highest and greatest adventure for my life. We get to be prayer warriors for each others lives. We all have the same purpose in life: to advance the Kingdom of our Lord. The coolest part is seeing God reveal everyone’s calling to how they will live out that purpose! So my dear friends, sisters and brothers in Christ, and my family—thank you! I truly thank God for each and every one of you every day and know that I am also praying “my guts out” for you too!
“This path we are walking can be very lonely. Thankfully, Jesus provides fellowship through relationship to other brothers and sisters in Christ. He invites us to engage one another, to share with others what He is doing in our lives so that we can be a source of encouragement to each other. Encourage and challenge your brothers and sisters in Christ as you seek to live radically.”
My desires and dreams for life are still alive and hidden away deep within my heart. But they will bow down before God’s Will. They may be fulfilled today, next year, or they may not happen at all. God’s peace beyond understanding has been illuminating a truth to me: that my true passion is to advance God’s Kingdom on earth. When that is our passion, we will not be let down if our dreams and desires do not happen. We can rest in the fact that God works ALL THINGS for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28) and however God writes my life story will be so, so, so much better than any dream or desire I could ever have. I can say with confidence that God will not give me what I expect – He will give me far more. He will bless me above and beyond what my little human mind could ever imagine! (1 Corinthians 2:9). Whether my dreams and desires happen or not, the spiritual warfare goes on. My life’s sole purpose is to be a princess warrior for the Kingdom of my Most High King.
“You have but one lifetime to spend in our Lord’s service. How you spend these years of your life will touch the course of history and change it forever?”
My prayer is that I can be consumed with my forever love: Jesus. That I can be perfectly enchanted and content in wherever and whatever He has for me!
“No matter where our lives lead, we are always first and foremost, daughters (or sons) of the Lord, disciples of the Word, surrendered to the King of kings for His Kingdom work and for His glory”
I will be real with you all. It is scary to not know my future. It literally terrifies me to tears some nights. That breaks my heart because God is not a God of fear, which means I’m not trusting God to care and lead me. To provide me all the resources of Heaven to get me through the fire ahead and come out unburned. Especially, for a planner like myself. When life gets crazy and seemingly confusing, I just need to remember that I am in the hands of God.
I will be right there to show them what roads to take, make sure they don’t fall into a ditch. These are the things I’ll be doing for them—sticking with them, not leaving them for a minute ~Isaiah 42 (MSG)
The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for HIS name sake. ~Psalm 23:1-3
We do not need to worry about what roads to take, fearing sinking, or failing into a ditch. God promises to lead and guide us! HE WILL NOT LET YOU FALL!! And best of all He will never leave your side. The God of the Universe promises all that to us. What an amazing God we serve! He will work everything out. I just need to keep in prayer and continue to have my heart in a place of surrender and willingness to go wherever the Lord may lead me.
“God never asks us to do something that He doesn’t give us the strength to accomplish. And whatever He is asking of you, it is only because He wants the very best for you. You are His princess (or knight), and He is jealously guarding your life. It may seem like a sacrifice to obey Him, and you may not understand all the reasons why. But in the end, it will be the greatest blessing."
Good luck and blessings as you embark on the journey to discover your adventure in life. I know it will be a crucial chapter in your life story.
I'm not sharing the remarkable details of all that has happened this week yet. When the time is right I will open up those few pages of that chapter of my life…but it might not be for a long…long…time. God is preparing me for something big. I can feel it. The wonderful supporting characters in my life story sense it also. What that is, I do not know. But, God Almighty knows. I must trust that my Good Shepherd will lead me on the right path.
Speaking of the wonderful supporting characters in my life story, they deserve a public thank you. God has blessed me with arguably the best supporting characters I could ever ask for. They pray their guts out for me, and desperately want me to discover God’s highest and greatest adventure for my life. We get to be prayer warriors for each others lives. We all have the same purpose in life: to advance the Kingdom of our Lord. The coolest part is seeing God reveal everyone’s calling to how they will live out that purpose! So my dear friends, sisters and brothers in Christ, and my family—thank you! I truly thank God for each and every one of you every day and know that I am also praying “my guts out” for you too!
“This path we are walking can be very lonely. Thankfully, Jesus provides fellowship through relationship to other brothers and sisters in Christ. He invites us to engage one another, to share with others what He is doing in our lives so that we can be a source of encouragement to each other. Encourage and challenge your brothers and sisters in Christ as you seek to live radically.”
My desires and dreams for life are still alive and hidden away deep within my heart. But they will bow down before God’s Will. They may be fulfilled today, next year, or they may not happen at all. God’s peace beyond understanding has been illuminating a truth to me: that my true passion is to advance God’s Kingdom on earth. When that is our passion, we will not be let down if our dreams and desires do not happen. We can rest in the fact that God works ALL THINGS for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28) and however God writes my life story will be so, so, so much better than any dream or desire I could ever have. I can say with confidence that God will not give me what I expect – He will give me far more. He will bless me above and beyond what my little human mind could ever imagine! (1 Corinthians 2:9). Whether my dreams and desires happen or not, the spiritual warfare goes on. My life’s sole purpose is to be a princess warrior for the Kingdom of my Most High King.
“You have but one lifetime to spend in our Lord’s service. How you spend these years of your life will touch the course of history and change it forever?”
My prayer is that I can be consumed with my forever love: Jesus. That I can be perfectly enchanted and content in wherever and whatever He has for me!
“No matter where our lives lead, we are always first and foremost, daughters (or sons) of the Lord, disciples of the Word, surrendered to the King of kings for His Kingdom work and for His glory”
I will be real with you all. It is scary to not know my future. It literally terrifies me to tears some nights. That breaks my heart because God is not a God of fear, which means I’m not trusting God to care and lead me. To provide me all the resources of Heaven to get me through the fire ahead and come out unburned. Especially, for a planner like myself. When life gets crazy and seemingly confusing, I just need to remember that I am in the hands of God.
I will be right there to show them what roads to take, make sure they don’t fall into a ditch. These are the things I’ll be doing for them—sticking with them, not leaving them for a minute ~Isaiah 42 (MSG)
The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for HIS name sake. ~Psalm 23:1-3
We do not need to worry about what roads to take, fearing sinking, or failing into a ditch. God promises to lead and guide us! HE WILL NOT LET YOU FALL!! And best of all He will never leave your side. The God of the Universe promises all that to us. What an amazing God we serve! He will work everything out. I just need to keep in prayer and continue to have my heart in a place of surrender and willingness to go wherever the Lord may lead me.
“God never asks us to do something that He doesn’t give us the strength to accomplish. And whatever He is asking of you, it is only because He wants the very best for you. You are His princess (or knight), and He is jealously guarding your life. It may seem like a sacrifice to obey Him, and you may not understand all the reasons why. But in the end, it will be the greatest blessing."
Good luck and blessings as you embark on the journey to discover your adventure in life. I know it will be a crucial chapter in your life story.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Unstoppable Prayer
Amidst the seemingly never ending To Do Lists, papers to be written, exams to study for, Key Club Agendas to write, meetings to attend, college applications to perfect and scholarship interview to prepare for. I still, somehow, find time for a quite time with my sweet Savior and blessed time with friends over coffee to share all that God is doing in our lives.
The number one question I am asked on a daily basis is how do you do it all? What is your secret to this crazy, full, and busy adventure God has set you on?
The answer…the magical equation...the “secret” to living a supernatural existence, accomplishing incredible things without stress and exhaustion….
Make prayer the foundation of your life!!
The greatest weapon God has given us in life is the unstoppable power of prayer. Yet, sadly so many of us take prayer for granted.
I always try to stay in constant communication with God. It is honesty what keeps me from losing it, from letting the stress and the regular demands of my life overtake me. Realizing the battle is not yours and that absolutely EVERYTHING that life throws at you—God will offer you all you need to get through it. Jesus promises us over and over again in the Bible that all we have to do is call out to Him and He will provide us with all the resources of Heaven! What an incredible promise!!
But, still so many people don’t ask Jesus. We complain about our lives. We cry out to God but, have we even asked Him for the victory that is already ours? Every battle in your life Jesus has already won for you. Jesus Christ is VICTOR. If you ever doubt that truth just read Revelation.
Prayer is a never ending reminder that I am in the hands of the living God. He truly does care about every detail in my life and is working out everything for my good (Romans 8:28). Some days I have a hard time understanding that truth, especially the days when life seems to be going all wrong. But, with prayer I can hold on the promise that…
This is all happening for a reason, nothing happens by chance for a child of God”
–Corrie Ten Boom
Prayer also helps me keep a Heavenly perspective on life and the conflicts and issues around me. God shows me to make great things great and small things small; to not prioritize things as the world does but as He does. For example, today my sister was longing for some sisterhood bonding. However, I knew I had a huge paper to write. I fell on my knees in prayer and instantly God reminded me that my baby sister will go to Heaven with me. My English paper will not. We had a great time reflecting and discussing the Godly women we so desire to become. I love being able to help lead her in the direction of a Proverbs 31 woman.
God ended up providing me with the energy I needed to stay up later than usual to get the paper done. When we are obedient to the Lord, He ALWAYS comes through.
My prayer and encouragement for YOU today is to take the first steps in making prayer a major part of your life. Start small and everyday keep increasing the time you spend in prayer. Pretty soon you will be doing it through out your day and it will seem like second nature. It is my secret (not anymore) to a happy and stress free life.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God” ~Philippians 4:6
The number one question I am asked on a daily basis is how do you do it all? What is your secret to this crazy, full, and busy adventure God has set you on?
The answer…the magical equation...the “secret” to living a supernatural existence, accomplishing incredible things without stress and exhaustion….
Make prayer the foundation of your life!!
The greatest weapon God has given us in life is the unstoppable power of prayer. Yet, sadly so many of us take prayer for granted.
I always try to stay in constant communication with God. It is honesty what keeps me from losing it, from letting the stress and the regular demands of my life overtake me. Realizing the battle is not yours and that absolutely EVERYTHING that life throws at you—God will offer you all you need to get through it. Jesus promises us over and over again in the Bible that all we have to do is call out to Him and He will provide us with all the resources of Heaven! What an incredible promise!!
But, still so many people don’t ask Jesus. We complain about our lives. We cry out to God but, have we even asked Him for the victory that is already ours? Every battle in your life Jesus has already won for you. Jesus Christ is VICTOR. If you ever doubt that truth just read Revelation.
Prayer is a never ending reminder that I am in the hands of the living God. He truly does care about every detail in my life and is working out everything for my good (Romans 8:28). Some days I have a hard time understanding that truth, especially the days when life seems to be going all wrong. But, with prayer I can hold on the promise that…
This is all happening for a reason, nothing happens by chance for a child of God”
–Corrie Ten Boom
Prayer also helps me keep a Heavenly perspective on life and the conflicts and issues around me. God shows me to make great things great and small things small; to not prioritize things as the world does but as He does. For example, today my sister was longing for some sisterhood bonding. However, I knew I had a huge paper to write. I fell on my knees in prayer and instantly God reminded me that my baby sister will go to Heaven with me. My English paper will not. We had a great time reflecting and discussing the Godly women we so desire to become. I love being able to help lead her in the direction of a Proverbs 31 woman.
God ended up providing me with the energy I needed to stay up later than usual to get the paper done. When we are obedient to the Lord, He ALWAYS comes through.
My prayer and encouragement for YOU today is to take the first steps in making prayer a major part of your life. Start small and everyday keep increasing the time you spend in prayer. Pretty soon you will be doing it through out your day and it will seem like second nature. It is my secret (not anymore) to a happy and stress free life.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God” ~Philippians 4:6
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tis the Season!
My senior year so far has been beautiful chaotic. Currently, it is the wonderful time of year of balancing school, college applications, scholarship applications, club presidents’ responsibilities, volunteer work, and whatever else God decides for me to do! So blogging has taken the back burner lately but I would hate to not post something…. SO....Here is my college admission essay! I am applying only to private Christian universities which mean I have the opportunity and freedom to write about my love and life with Christ :) Enjoy!!
College Admissions Essay
A Glance through the Window of my Heart
This morning is evidence that autumn is in full swing. The crisp cold blended with the warm sunbeams kissing my face. It is early enough to watch the sunrise as the whole sky, seemingly out of nowhere, becomes ablaze with the beauty and artisanship of God. I am wearing an oversized sweatshirt and arguably the most comfy yoga pants in the world. With my grande pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks in hand I take in the outdoor scene around me. The trees are overflowing with colors of rich gold and red. Breathtakingly beautiful! These are the mornings when I start to reflect on God’s Word and my life. Today I am prayerfully asking God to give me the courage to stand for the truth, to love radically, live fearlessly, speak boldly and to be obedient to His Will (no matter what)! I know that is asking a lot. But I fully believe that God is faithful to continue transforming and molding me.
I am hopeful that God will keep me humbled and let me spend more time on my knees in adoration prayer to Him than having myself be given worldly glory. Why would someone give a pot an award or praise for being so well made and useful? No, that is silly! You would give the award and praise to the Potter, the Creator of the pot. In the same way, I think it is extremely ridiculous when people do that to me. I am just the pot. My prayer is that when I am given praise, awards, or recognition for something I will immediately show them My Potter’s signature written on my heart. My purpose is not to make myself look good. I am created to bring glory to God, to be less, so that He can be more in me and through me, to boast in my weaknesses. It is incredibly counter-flesh.
As of now I am working on being a registered nurse (RN) by the time I am 21! To be able to help meet spiritually AND physically needs of hurting people all over the world. I am absolutely terrified of blood and guts. However, my passion to serve and help those who no one will help is more powerful than the fear. Nursing would never in a million years be my first choice for a major but as I look back God has been leisurely nudging me down this path. It will not be easy. I am going to have to lean on Him constantly to help me do it. But, I trust that if this is truly the path He wants me to go, He will work everything out and give me all the strength I need.
I have seen firsthand all that God can accomplish through me when I am obedient to His Will. I have learned the difficult but joyfully sweet process of coming day after day to the foot of God’s throne in prayer asking for wisdom or praying for hurting people. He has taught me how to have genuine, selfless, humble, and constant love for others. God has been revealing to me my calling with orphans and the unloved, sick, hurting children all around the world. They have stolen my heart. You may wonder if it is possible to have your heart ache for children you don’t even know. YES! I feel it every day.
“Selfless, humble, constant love is a challenge—I believe it is impossible without God’s gift of a new heart.” –Katie Davis
God has been literally breaking my heart for the orphans and vulnerable children in the world. How can I possibly love these orphans unless I am allowing the Lord to change my heart? God will change my heart by dwelling within me. I cannot save and impact lives for the Kingdom, love fully, and restore and rescue all 147 million orphans around the world…BUT GOD IS ABLE!
In everything I do, I want my heart in the right place. That everything about me: my actions, words, choices, and life would be a striking reflection of Jesus to the world. I want the heart of Jesus. What matters most is where your heart is at and I want my heart to be in His hands. Jesus alone is worthy to sit on the throne of my heart. It belongs to Him. If Jesus takes hold of your heart, He will impact all that flows out of it and I know the results will be incredible. I want a heart that beats for the Lord with an obsessive love no one can take away.
There are some days I can really feel the sting of the life I have chosen. It is a challenge but, extremely worth it. This is what it means to be a follower of Christ. Jesus’ love makes every hardship, struggle, fear and loss all completely worth it!
At the end of life, God will not judge us by our SAT scores, how high our GPA was, how many diplomas we received, how much money we have made or how many great things we have done. We will be judged by this: how we lived our lives, radically loving and serving others and loving God with everything realizing the world is nothing in comparison.
“The fact is NOTHING should concern us more than our relationship with God; it’s about eternity. And nothing compares with that. God is not someone who can be tacked on to our lives” ~Francis Chan (Crazy Love)
An hour and my last sip of coffee later…I am left with this. All the above is what I have been learning and what God has been showing me. It feels good to write it all down. Writing is one of my love languages with God. How God has wired me to process things. It refreshing to write an admissions essay that gives you the chance to be a part of this: a little peek through the window of my heart and my adventure and relationship with Jesus Christ
College Admissions Essay
A Glance through the Window of my Heart
This morning is evidence that autumn is in full swing. The crisp cold blended with the warm sunbeams kissing my face. It is early enough to watch the sunrise as the whole sky, seemingly out of nowhere, becomes ablaze with the beauty and artisanship of God. I am wearing an oversized sweatshirt and arguably the most comfy yoga pants in the world. With my grande pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks in hand I take in the outdoor scene around me. The trees are overflowing with colors of rich gold and red. Breathtakingly beautiful! These are the mornings when I start to reflect on God’s Word and my life. Today I am prayerfully asking God to give me the courage to stand for the truth, to love radically, live fearlessly, speak boldly and to be obedient to His Will (no matter what)! I know that is asking a lot. But I fully believe that God is faithful to continue transforming and molding me.
I am hopeful that God will keep me humbled and let me spend more time on my knees in adoration prayer to Him than having myself be given worldly glory. Why would someone give a pot an award or praise for being so well made and useful? No, that is silly! You would give the award and praise to the Potter, the Creator of the pot. In the same way, I think it is extremely ridiculous when people do that to me. I am just the pot. My prayer is that when I am given praise, awards, or recognition for something I will immediately show them My Potter’s signature written on my heart. My purpose is not to make myself look good. I am created to bring glory to God, to be less, so that He can be more in me and through me, to boast in my weaknesses. It is incredibly counter-flesh.
As of now I am working on being a registered nurse (RN) by the time I am 21! To be able to help meet spiritually AND physically needs of hurting people all over the world. I am absolutely terrified of blood and guts. However, my passion to serve and help those who no one will help is more powerful than the fear. Nursing would never in a million years be my first choice for a major but as I look back God has been leisurely nudging me down this path. It will not be easy. I am going to have to lean on Him constantly to help me do it. But, I trust that if this is truly the path He wants me to go, He will work everything out and give me all the strength I need.
I have seen firsthand all that God can accomplish through me when I am obedient to His Will. I have learned the difficult but joyfully sweet process of coming day after day to the foot of God’s throne in prayer asking for wisdom or praying for hurting people. He has taught me how to have genuine, selfless, humble, and constant love for others. God has been revealing to me my calling with orphans and the unloved, sick, hurting children all around the world. They have stolen my heart. You may wonder if it is possible to have your heart ache for children you don’t even know. YES! I feel it every day.
“Selfless, humble, constant love is a challenge—I believe it is impossible without God’s gift of a new heart.” –Katie Davis
God has been literally breaking my heart for the orphans and vulnerable children in the world. How can I possibly love these orphans unless I am allowing the Lord to change my heart? God will change my heart by dwelling within me. I cannot save and impact lives for the Kingdom, love fully, and restore and rescue all 147 million orphans around the world…BUT GOD IS ABLE!
In everything I do, I want my heart in the right place. That everything about me: my actions, words, choices, and life would be a striking reflection of Jesus to the world. I want the heart of Jesus. What matters most is where your heart is at and I want my heart to be in His hands. Jesus alone is worthy to sit on the throne of my heart. It belongs to Him. If Jesus takes hold of your heart, He will impact all that flows out of it and I know the results will be incredible. I want a heart that beats for the Lord with an obsessive love no one can take away.
There are some days I can really feel the sting of the life I have chosen. It is a challenge but, extremely worth it. This is what it means to be a follower of Christ. Jesus’ love makes every hardship, struggle, fear and loss all completely worth it!
At the end of life, God will not judge us by our SAT scores, how high our GPA was, how many diplomas we received, how much money we have made or how many great things we have done. We will be judged by this: how we lived our lives, radically loving and serving others and loving God with everything realizing the world is nothing in comparison.
“The fact is NOTHING should concern us more than our relationship with God; it’s about eternity. And nothing compares with that. God is not someone who can be tacked on to our lives” ~Francis Chan (Crazy Love)
An hour and my last sip of coffee later…I am left with this. All the above is what I have been learning and what God has been showing me. It feels good to write it all down. Writing is one of my love languages with God. How God has wired me to process things. It refreshing to write an admissions essay that gives you the chance to be a part of this: a little peek through the window of my heart and my adventure and relationship with Jesus Christ
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Part 5: Living a Poured out Life
It has been too long without writing. Too long without taking time to stop my busy lifestyle to sit and reflect on all God is doing in my life and in the lives around me. He is working in some BIG ways. It is overwhelming to consider that God is moving here in my Pacific Northwest town like never before, and I get to witness and be apart of the movement.

“My precious Daughter, there is NOTHING we can't overcome."
On a day to day basis i feel like I am being dealt things so beyond my ability to handle. Yet, God uses me as a channel to impact lives and touch hearts. It’s the biggest honor. I am so unworthy of God using me in this way. Because God could touch these peoples hearts and lives without me. He doesn’t have to use me...but He chooses to use me. It is the most beautiful, fulfilling work! I adore it! Everyday I am overflowing with joy. Even when stressed or faced with seeming impossible situations. I thrive on it because I know that it's Jesus' strength and energy working through me to get it all done. I have realized I can not live this kind of life without Him.
I have been waiting for the right time to write this next part of the blog series. This part of the series explores the idea that maybe; just maybe, the best adventure is the one where you spend your days pouring out yourself on the least of these: the orphans, the widows, the sick, the poor, the broken, and the lost in this world.
Remember, I am on this exploration journey with you. To explore the ideas and search through the bible together to find out what it truly means to “Answering the Call to embark on a Set-Apart Adventure”. Friends, know that I am so far from where I should be, where we should be. I am not perfect and fall short everyday of being a reflection of Christ to the world. However, I have a eager heart and serve a perfect God who promises me that He will NEVER give up on me (or YOU), and will finish the work He has started in my heart.
I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. ~~Philippians 1:6
In early January, I did something dangerous, I asked God to break my heart for what breaks His heart. How is this dangerous, you might ask? God loves answering this prayer and when He does YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME! Katie Davis explains it perfectly.
"have you ever sobbed on the floor for Jesus? I mean just followed Him into such an impossible place that you have to fall on your face in hysterical tears over His goodness to you, in awe of his BIGness, just desperately wanting more? Beside yourself over the agony you have caused Him, broken for the things that break His heart, rejoicing in His sacrifice? THAT is my prayer for you today!”
It will turn your whole world upside down. God tells us exactly what breaks His heart over and over again in the bible.
"For I was hungry and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger and you invited me to your home. I was naked and you gave me clothing. I was sick and you cared for me. I was in prison and you visited me. I tell you the truth when you did it to the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did to me.” ~Matthew 25:35-36;40
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father is caring for the orphan and widow in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. ~James 1:27
"Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to die;
Save them as they stagger to their death.
Once our eyes are opened,
we can't pretend we don't know
what to do. God,
who weighs our hearts and keeps
our souls, knows that we know,
and holds us
responsible to act."
(Proverbs 24:12)
When I read, "unjustly sentenced to death" I think of...
*Millions of hungry children and orphans in the world: helpless to find food, dying of PREVENTABLE diseases. They are "unjustly sentenced to death".
*Child Soldiers in the LRA who are "unjustly sentenced the death".
*Victims and Slaves of Temple Prostitution and Human Trafficking who are "unjustly sentenced to death" of their purity and innocence.
*Suicidal Teens/Children who are so unloved, feel unworthy, and worthless that they take their own life. "unjustly sentenced to death"
*The BILLIONS of people who are on the road to eternal hell because they do not know the Gospel. “unjustly sentenced to death”
I could keep writing the list forever. These are just some of the top things that have been weighing heavily on my heart. My eyes have been opened. Now that I know I am responsible. God has given me a radical compassion for these broken people and has put an extreme urgency on my heart. My eyes have been opened; I can no longer live in my life of comfort and abundance. I will go. I will stand up for them. With God I will turn the world upside down to defend those who are helpless. His people, His children; they are crying out for the followers of Christ to save them…to help them…to love them.

“As a follower of Christ: My desire is NOT to be a humanitarian.
My desire is to bring the Kingdom of God here on earth!
My desire is that by doing that other will know Christ by this work!”
~Eric Ludy
The world out there is dark, and desperately needs your starlight. (Phil 2:15)
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something I can do ~Helen Keller
Moses story has really inspired me this past year. I love how Hebrews 11 describes it. I can relate to his situation. I use to hear God’s voice whisper to my heart to do something about the broken people in this world. But I would hush His voice by saying, “God, you placed me here in America, into a family that is wealthy and lives a comfortable lifestyle. If you didn’t want that life for me then you should have made me be born in a hut in Africa.”
But God placed Moses in the royal family in Egypt and He also told Him to leave the comfortable lifestyle to live among God’s people, the oppressed. God blesses us so that we can be a blessing to others (Genisis 12:2). I pray that I can have the same faith as Moses did to do the same.
By faith, Moses, when grown, refused the privileges of the Egyptian royal house. He chose a hard life with God's people rather than an opportunistic soft life of sin with the oppressors. He valued suffering in the Messiah's camp far greater than Egyptian wealth because he was looking ahead, anticipating the payoff. By an act of faith, he turned his heel on Egypt, indifferent to the king's blind rage. He had his eye on the One no eye can see, and kept right on going. ~Hebrews 11:24-26
We are ALL called to give up our lives. As Jesus prayed to God on the night before He died..."Father is there another way?" The same way we pray and ask God..."Lord, is there another way? Must I go there?"
The answer is: "Go...Do not be afraid...I am with you..."
I don’t know where “going” will lead me. It could lead me to witness and minister to someone down the street or to someone thousands of miles away. Through it all I have the peace of knowing that wherever God sends me He will be right by my side.
Courage is not about knowing the path. It is about taking the first step. I do not know my five year plan; even tomorrow will probably not go as I have planned. I am thrilled and I am terrified, in a good way. Some call it courage. Some call it foolish. I call it faith. Sometimes I walk straight into His arms. More often, I get scared and look down and stumble. Sometimes I almost completely drown. And through it all. He never lets go of my hand. ~Katie Davis

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Part 4: Powerful Faith

Why is it that we shy away from the call of greatness? Why do we walk away from the adventure of a lifetime; a chance to be used by God in ways that seem impossible? All the power, strength, might, and love of God is ours as His children to wield upon this earth. To make earth a little more like Heaven! And yet still people turn away from such a majestic call. Well let me tell you: I will NOT turn away from this call. I know who wins this spiritual battle and you better believe I am going to give my life serving the winning side.
Jesus Christ is the rightful King of this earth. We cannot rest until everyone on earth knows about all that He is and has done for us! My soul longs for the day that earth will be filled with the glory of God, like the waters cover the sea. “Until that day, our swords (keep in mind this is a spiritual sword) will not rest, our prayers will not cease, and our passion cannot and will not dim”.
“Let us remember that God’s Word stands forever, and that His commandments mean for us today exactly the same as for His disciples twenty centuries ago. Those who act on them, in obedience, will in the same way prove God’s almighty power…Our fight is not against a physical army, a political party, an atheistic organization—or anything like that. Our fight is against organizations and powers that are spiritual.” –Corrie Ten Boom
“Beautiful words stir my heart…Pick up your sword, O mighty warrior! Ride out to victory defending truth, humility, and justice. Go forth to perform awe-inspiring deeds…Therefore God, your God has anointed YOU, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than anyone else.” ~Psalm 45
“Christianity is about a Kingdom, a glory, a power, a grace, a righteousness, an eternal triumph, and yielding to the all powerful King who is bringing it all about.” ~Eric Ludy
Christianity isn’t about being some fairy tale character in a dreamland but being a warrior for Christ in a very REAL battle adventure. I can promise you, living out the Gospel, following Jesus Christ wherever He may take you…is a genuine adventure of a lifetime. Each day is a brand new adventure and I wake up every morning excited for what the day will bring. Ready for whatever the Lord will have me do. Living a life that is completely spent on the things my Almighty Father and Savior deems most important.
We as Christians cannot listen to scripture like…"Jesus said to them, if anyone wants to be my follower, he must deny self, pick up his cross daily and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. ~Luke 9:23-24”…and not act on it when it convicts our heart. We must act and be obedient to what the Lord tells us to do. We must realize that unbelievers and even other Christians will make their impressions of Christ based on how we live. We cannot live a godly life shining and reflecting the radiance of God without Him dwelling within us. We need to be obedient to the Word of God and never stop fixing our gaze on Jesus Christ.
Know without a doubt that Jesus will continue to fill you up, change your heart to break for what breaks His heart, and if you lose your way or your light begins to dim—He will make you radiant once again! Chase hard after Christ with all you have. Keep breathing in His love and grace.
You don’t have to pray for Jesus to walk with you, to be by your side on this adventure because He has invited YOU to be apart of this adventure. Of course He will be by your side. What the real question is: Will you except the call and be by His side no matter where it may take you; no matter what you may have to give up or do…will you still stay by Jesus side? That my friends, is the true question you should be asking. Not whether or not Jesus will stay by your side because He promises He will never leave or forsake you. Can you promise the same to Him?
If God calls you to it. He will enable you to bear it! Jesus never asks us to risk, dare, or do anything that He Himself wouldn’t do.
My prayer for myself everyday is to reflect the radiant love of Christ, which burns so deeply inside me, to everyone God puts in my life. Father, I don’t want it to be my words but Your words! You are the one that changes hearts and transforms lives. Let me be a channel of Your love and power to the world. Work through me. Speak through me. I long to bring glory to Your wonderful name.
“When we yield our bodies to God, He moves us to action. He loves through us. He prays through us. He becomes a father (or mother) to the orphans through us. He rescues the oppressed through us. And He demonstrates His Holiness through us. It is not us that pulls of this miracle, but Christ working in us. God can do it!” ~Eric Ludy
"Not to us, O LORD, but to YOUR name be the glory, because of Your love and faithfulness" ~Psalm 115:1
Regrettably, my prideful and selfish heart gets in the way of being able to reflect Jesus Christ to the world 24/7. After I mess up big time, miss the mark of the person God calls me to me, or fall into sin, I like to read about David. The bible says David was “a man after God’s own heart”. He did some amazing, seemingly impossible things for the Kingdom of God. Yet, he also made some mistakes and poor choices. But every time he fell into sin he would take a step back, fall on his knees and cry out to God in repentance and ask for forgiveness. He would go back to his roots, his first love in God and let Him restore and set him back on track. The forgiveness of Jesus not only takes away our sins and puts us back on track; it makes them (our sins) as if they had never happened.
“Your sins and iniquities will I remember NO MORE! ~Hebrews 10:17
Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. God ALWAYS keeps His word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching (Jesus’ return). ~Hebrews 10:23-25 MSG
You are not guaranteed tomorrow. You do not know when Jesus will call you home. Or even more importantly…when Jesus will return. Live everyday like it would be your last. I know if I knew I only had one day to live I would want to spend it pouring myself out on Kingdom work. Loving others, sharing the Gospel, and helping people grow in their faith…not stressing about worldly things. When you live a life not in fear of death but in acknowledgement that it could happen at anytime; you live a more relaxed and Christ centered life. Not worried about the things of this temporary world.
But as for me, I know my Redeemer lives, and He will stand upon the earth at last. And after my body has decade without my earthly body I will see God! I will see Him for myself. Yes, I will see Him with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought. ~Job 19:25-27
This poem is something that inspires me every single day! I hope it inspires you as well. May we all live lives centered on inviting as many people to the brilliant city in the Heavens where Jesus Christ sits as KING!
When she enters the beautiful city
And the saved all around her appear
Many people around her will tell her,
It was YOU that invited me here
~Unknown Author
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Part 3: CRAZY Love
Reading and praying (PRINKING) over Job 29 this morning! Love, love, love this chapter in Job. Not only is Job 29 how I want to live but is everything that I want in a future husband! Someone completely devoted to God and has a heart for the least in the world. But, most of all Job 29 is a perfect description of Jesus Christ.
All who heard me praised me. All who saw me spoke well of me. For I assisted the poor in their need and the orphans who required help. I helped those without hope, and they blessed me. And I caused the widows’ hearts to sing for joy. Everything I did was honest. Righteousness covered me like a robe, and I wore justice like a turban. I served as eyes for the blind and feet for the lame. I was a father to the poor and assisted strangers who needed help. I broke the jaws of godless oppressors and plucked their victims from their teeth… Everyone listened to my advice. They were silent as they waited for me to speak. And after I spoke, they had nothing to add, for my counsel satisfied them. They longed for me to speak as people long for rain. They drank my words like a refreshing spring rain. When they were discouraged, I smiled at them. My look of approval was precious to them. (Job 29)
So I started thinking about earthly relationships vs. being content with Christ. When you are happy, filled with pure joy, and content in your life it shows that you are living in the center of God’s plans and will for your life. Because true happiness is found by being secure in Jesus Christ.
I use to believe that God took away promising relationships with guys to make me follow Him. Like God was saying, “Oh no, girlfriend…don’t even think about dating him or how could you ever want that…because I need your full attention on me…so I am just going to take this away from you so you have no other option except follow me.”
I believed that’s how God worked until I read Tramp for the Lord by Corrie Ten Boom, and read this…
“God does not take away from us. He might ask us to turn our backs on something, or someone, we should not have. But, God NEVER takes away. However, God gives. If I reach out and take someone for myself and the Lord steps in between, that does not mean God takes. Rather it means He is protecting us from someone we should not have because He has a far greater purpose for our lives” ~Corrie Ten Boom
Then God reminded me of two scriptures and a quote that reinforced this…
For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope ~Jeremiah 29:11
But I (God) hold this against you: you have forgotten your first and forever love! ~Revelation 2:4 (paraphrase)
“True love is: unreasonable, undeserved, inconvenient, unpopular, irrational, unfair, and selflessly beautiful…such is the love of Christ”

See whenever I got upset at God for “taking away” promising relationships, what I was really doing was telling God that He wasn’t enough for me. I had forgotten my first love. My one and forever love. I had forgotten my burning love and passion for God and his people. Instead, I was grumbling throughout my day about how “unfair” God was and if He really loved me He would give me what I wanted. (I know…I know. I sound like a three year old spoiled girl—sadly, that’s how my flesh sounded at the time).
I cried out to God: “Please show me your love! Make me completely content in your love”. God answered that prayer way beyond my imagination. In my heart I was only praying for an overflowing cup of God’s love; instead I got an overflowing ocean. The love of God, of my Jesus, is far more than I can ever deserve. What a blessing it is that even though we are sooo undeserving, He still overflows us with His amazing love.
I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us ~Ephesians 3:14-20
Our lives here on earth are temporary, in the same way our earthly relationships are temporary. When we are standing before our first love Jesus Christ; I am convinced we will not be thinking of our earthly sweetheart. Since earthly marriages are meant to point to something greater: to be a reflection of our relationship with Jesus.
When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven ~Mark 12:25
God reminded me that earthly love stories can only be as beautiful, powerful, and strong as your relationship with Christ is. Your relationship with Christ is your FOREVER love story. Your earthly love story is only a reflection of your relationship with God. Therefore, if you truly want to have a breathtaking earthly love story doesn’t it make since to devote all your time strengthening your relationship with Christ?
Now my hope is that this would not be your main reason for wanting to grow and strengthen your relationship with God. Because lets be honest now…
Earthly Love story will never come close to a FOREVER LOVE STORY WITH CHRIST
Love this quote: It is a safe thing to trust God to fulfill the desire which He creates ~Amy Carmichael. If you feel that you are called to get married one day, if that is one of the desires God has put on your heart. Then you can trust that He will fulfill that desire in the most beautiful and perfect way! God is using these single years to teach you that marriage is not the answer to happiness or being content. Jesus Christ is the answer.
“Contentment is the product of a heart resting in God. It is the soul’s enjoyment of that peace that passes all understanding. It is the outcome of my will being brought into subjection to the Divine will. It is the blessed assurance that God does all things well, and is, even now, making all things work out for my ultimate good” –A.W Pink
Whenever I doubt God’s goodness or love for me all I have to do if remember that Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit and according to scriptures: …we feel this warm love everywhere within us because God has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love. –Romans 5:5 God’s love is within me always. I know I have a never ending supply of amazing God love right in my heart. I have come to understand that real love comes from the heart. It is spontaneous, organic, and not planned. Love is also inconvenient! You can’t plan love. But love is always worth it! Love is powerful. God is love. All good things to remember as we: Answer the call to embark on the Set Apart Adventure.
All who heard me praised me. All who saw me spoke well of me. For I assisted the poor in their need and the orphans who required help. I helped those without hope, and they blessed me. And I caused the widows’ hearts to sing for joy. Everything I did was honest. Righteousness covered me like a robe, and I wore justice like a turban. I served as eyes for the blind and feet for the lame. I was a father to the poor and assisted strangers who needed help. I broke the jaws of godless oppressors and plucked their victims from their teeth… Everyone listened to my advice. They were silent as they waited for me to speak. And after I spoke, they had nothing to add, for my counsel satisfied them. They longed for me to speak as people long for rain. They drank my words like a refreshing spring rain. When they were discouraged, I smiled at them. My look of approval was precious to them. (Job 29)
So I started thinking about earthly relationships vs. being content with Christ. When you are happy, filled with pure joy, and content in your life it shows that you are living in the center of God’s plans and will for your life. Because true happiness is found by being secure in Jesus Christ.
I use to believe that God took away promising relationships with guys to make me follow Him. Like God was saying, “Oh no, girlfriend…don’t even think about dating him or how could you ever want that…because I need your full attention on me…so I am just going to take this away from you so you have no other option except follow me.”
I believed that’s how God worked until I read Tramp for the Lord by Corrie Ten Boom, and read this…
“God does not take away from us. He might ask us to turn our backs on something, or someone, we should not have. But, God NEVER takes away. However, God gives. If I reach out and take someone for myself and the Lord steps in between, that does not mean God takes. Rather it means He is protecting us from someone we should not have because He has a far greater purpose for our lives” ~Corrie Ten Boom
Then God reminded me of two scriptures and a quote that reinforced this…
For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope ~Jeremiah 29:11
But I (God) hold this against you: you have forgotten your first and forever love! ~Revelation 2:4 (paraphrase)
“True love is: unreasonable, undeserved, inconvenient, unpopular, irrational, unfair, and selflessly beautiful…such is the love of Christ”

See whenever I got upset at God for “taking away” promising relationships, what I was really doing was telling God that He wasn’t enough for me. I had forgotten my first love. My one and forever love. I had forgotten my burning love and passion for God and his people. Instead, I was grumbling throughout my day about how “unfair” God was and if He really loved me He would give me what I wanted. (I know…I know. I sound like a three year old spoiled girl—sadly, that’s how my flesh sounded at the time).
I cried out to God: “Please show me your love! Make me completely content in your love”. God answered that prayer way beyond my imagination. In my heart I was only praying for an overflowing cup of God’s love; instead I got an overflowing ocean. The love of God, of my Jesus, is far more than I can ever deserve. What a blessing it is that even though we are sooo undeserving, He still overflows us with His amazing love.
I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us ~Ephesians 3:14-20
Our lives here on earth are temporary, in the same way our earthly relationships are temporary. When we are standing before our first love Jesus Christ; I am convinced we will not be thinking of our earthly sweetheart. Since earthly marriages are meant to point to something greater: to be a reflection of our relationship with Jesus.
When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven ~Mark 12:25
God reminded me that earthly love stories can only be as beautiful, powerful, and strong as your relationship with Christ is. Your relationship with Christ is your FOREVER love story. Your earthly love story is only a reflection of your relationship with God. Therefore, if you truly want to have a breathtaking earthly love story doesn’t it make since to devote all your time strengthening your relationship with Christ?
Now my hope is that this would not be your main reason for wanting to grow and strengthen your relationship with God. Because lets be honest now…
Earthly Love story will never come close to a FOREVER LOVE STORY WITH CHRIST
Love this quote: It is a safe thing to trust God to fulfill the desire which He creates ~Amy Carmichael. If you feel that you are called to get married one day, if that is one of the desires God has put on your heart. Then you can trust that He will fulfill that desire in the most beautiful and perfect way! God is using these single years to teach you that marriage is not the answer to happiness or being content. Jesus Christ is the answer.
“Contentment is the product of a heart resting in God. It is the soul’s enjoyment of that peace that passes all understanding. It is the outcome of my will being brought into subjection to the Divine will. It is the blessed assurance that God does all things well, and is, even now, making all things work out for my ultimate good” –A.W Pink
Whenever I doubt God’s goodness or love for me all I have to do if remember that Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit and according to scriptures: …we feel this warm love everywhere within us because God has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love. –Romans 5:5 God’s love is within me always. I know I have a never ending supply of amazing God love right in my heart. I have come to understand that real love comes from the heart. It is spontaneous, organic, and not planned. Love is also inconvenient! You can’t plan love. But love is always worth it! Love is powerful. God is love. All good things to remember as we: Answer the call to embark on the Set Apart Adventure.

Monday, August 30, 2010
Part 2: The Truth
I will start off by saying that I absolutely did NOT want to write this post; and as always God had other plans. Let just say writing this has humbled me in ways only God can….
“But there is a spirit within people, the breath of the Almighty God within them, that makes them wise” ~Job 32:8
God’s spirit, His breath, is within me. It is what fills every inch of my heart. It is what gives me the ability to love and serve and most of all it is what speaks through me (or writes). My source of strength and wisdom comes from the Almighty God. I totally understand what Corrie Ten Boom is felling when she said, “Sometimes I get a headache from the heat of the halo that people put around my head”. People continue to believe that somehow everything I do is something out of my own strength or ability. Or that every convicting blog I write is from my own wisdom.
Well…let me tell you what the REAL Heidi Johnson is like. She absolutely HATE’s when things do not go the way she plans them in her head. Everyday she struggle with these verses…
“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails ~Proverbs 19:21
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the LORD ~Isaiah 55:8
“Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what You will” ~Mark 14:36
The REAL Heidi Johnson would rather wake up early to go to Starbucks and depend on her grande peppermint mocha to give her the energy to get through the day instead of waking up early to do a morning devotion to trust and depend on Jesus to give her all the energy and strength she will need.
The REAL Heidi Johnson knows that there are TONS of innocent children that are dying due to sever malnutrition and eating out of dumpsters. Children who don’t know the Gospel or that they have a Heavenly Father that so deeply loves them. Children who are unloved and are longing for a forever family. Children that have to grow up way to soon in order to take care of their family because their parents died of AIDs. Children who are forced into sexual slavery or child soldiers...
At the end of the day, even though she know all of this, the REAL Heidi Johnson wonders if these children are really worth leaving a comfortable lifestyle, a life where she has every worldly thing going for her, a life where she is living the “American Dream”. These children’s situations break her heart but she is too selfish to give up her “perfect” worldly life to pour out love and share the Gospel with these children. But, it does sound nice to talk about giving up her life for them. However, deep down she knows she doesn’t have the courage to actually do it.
The REAL Heidi Johnson is lazy, selfish, and has a massive ego. The good news is that Jesus Christ IN Heidi Johnson is the total opposite of all of these things. Jesus in Heidi Johnson knows what to do with her shortcomings and sins. She knows when you confess them to God, Jesus Christ washes them in HIS Blood that He shed on the cross. They are forever cast into the deepest sea. And Heidi Johnson gets to stand before God as white as snow.
Jesus in Heidi Johnson stays up all night to pray on behalf of the atheist man she met at Starbucks; begging God for a second chance to get to meet him again and share the Gospel with him. Jesus in Heidi Johnson can say and write things that even leave her in awe and inspired. Jesus in Heidi Johnson gives her the confidence to trust that God works everything out for the good of those who love Him and that she doesn’t need to worry or even make plans.
Jesus in Heidi Johnson reminds her that there is energy and strength that He longs to fill her with that no sugary $4 mocha can ever give her. Jesus in Heidi Johnson knows that it doesn’t matter if everyone thinks she’s crazy and has lost her mind because she is always posting “Jesus Blogs”. Jesus in Heidi Johnson tells her that her life is only completely full, joyful and fulfilled when she gives it up for the least in the world. And finally Jesus in Heidi Johnson tells her that in her weakness, she is made strong through Him.
My friends, hear me out, we are ALL sinners who need to understand the most powerful and beautiful love that was EVER shown on this earth. Jesus Christ died to lift us out of this horrible, ugly and dead life of sin, selfishness, and ego and instead into His wonderful LIGHT!
For you are a chosen people, belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light ~1 Peter 2:9
The bible calls the REAL Heidi Johnson self or flesh…
“Jesus said to them, if anyone wants to be my follower, he must deny self, pick up his cross daily and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake *(like say…to love on broken, unloved children)*, you will save it. ~Luke 9:23-24 (the * part added by me)
This 5 part series is called Answering the call to embark on the Set Apart Adventure. The Set Apart Adventure is following Jesus. Honestly, it is the adventure of a lifetime. But Luke 9:23-24 says that in order to answer this call and start embarking on this adventure we MUST deny self (in my case the REAL Heidi Johnson), pick up my cross daily (notice that it says daily…this is a conscious decision we must make every morning) and only then can we follow Jesus and embark on the Adventure.
“God rescued me from the grave and now my life is filled with LIGHT” ~Job 33:28
God rescued my soul from an eternal death and has given me the gift (seriously, it’s a gift…I did absolutely nothing to deserve it) of a forever life with Him in Heaven. Not only that but He has saved me from living a “dead” life on earth filled with darkness and only focused on self. He instead has OVERFLOWED my life with His wonderful light! This light comes from Jesus living in your heart. He teaches you how to truly be alive! Jesus wants to live in your heart. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock” He says, “If anyone opens the door, I’ll come in”.
Will you open the door of your heart and let Jesus come in, change you, and fill you with His wonderful light??
“But there is a spirit within people, the breath of the Almighty God within them, that makes them wise” ~Job 32:8
God’s spirit, His breath, is within me. It is what fills every inch of my heart. It is what gives me the ability to love and serve and most of all it is what speaks through me (or writes). My source of strength and wisdom comes from the Almighty God. I totally understand what Corrie Ten Boom is felling when she said, “Sometimes I get a headache from the heat of the halo that people put around my head”. People continue to believe that somehow everything I do is something out of my own strength or ability. Or that every convicting blog I write is from my own wisdom.
Well…let me tell you what the REAL Heidi Johnson is like. She absolutely HATE’s when things do not go the way she plans them in her head. Everyday she struggle with these verses…
“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails ~Proverbs 19:21
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the LORD ~Isaiah 55:8
“Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what You will” ~Mark 14:36
The REAL Heidi Johnson would rather wake up early to go to Starbucks and depend on her grande peppermint mocha to give her the energy to get through the day instead of waking up early to do a morning devotion to trust and depend on Jesus to give her all the energy and strength she will need.
The REAL Heidi Johnson knows that there are TONS of innocent children that are dying due to sever malnutrition and eating out of dumpsters. Children who don’t know the Gospel or that they have a Heavenly Father that so deeply loves them. Children who are unloved and are longing for a forever family. Children that have to grow up way to soon in order to take care of their family because their parents died of AIDs. Children who are forced into sexual slavery or child soldiers...
At the end of the day, even though she know all of this, the REAL Heidi Johnson wonders if these children are really worth leaving a comfortable lifestyle, a life where she has every worldly thing going for her, a life where she is living the “American Dream”. These children’s situations break her heart but she is too selfish to give up her “perfect” worldly life to pour out love and share the Gospel with these children. But, it does sound nice to talk about giving up her life for them. However, deep down she knows she doesn’t have the courage to actually do it.
The REAL Heidi Johnson is lazy, selfish, and has a massive ego. The good news is that Jesus Christ IN Heidi Johnson is the total opposite of all of these things. Jesus in Heidi Johnson knows what to do with her shortcomings and sins. She knows when you confess them to God, Jesus Christ washes them in HIS Blood that He shed on the cross. They are forever cast into the deepest sea. And Heidi Johnson gets to stand before God as white as snow.
Jesus in Heidi Johnson stays up all night to pray on behalf of the atheist man she met at Starbucks; begging God for a second chance to get to meet him again and share the Gospel with him. Jesus in Heidi Johnson can say and write things that even leave her in awe and inspired. Jesus in Heidi Johnson gives her the confidence to trust that God works everything out for the good of those who love Him and that she doesn’t need to worry or even make plans.
Jesus in Heidi Johnson reminds her that there is energy and strength that He longs to fill her with that no sugary $4 mocha can ever give her. Jesus in Heidi Johnson knows that it doesn’t matter if everyone thinks she’s crazy and has lost her mind because she is always posting “Jesus Blogs”. Jesus in Heidi Johnson tells her that her life is only completely full, joyful and fulfilled when she gives it up for the least in the world. And finally Jesus in Heidi Johnson tells her that in her weakness, she is made strong through Him.
My friends, hear me out, we are ALL sinners who need to understand the most powerful and beautiful love that was EVER shown on this earth. Jesus Christ died to lift us out of this horrible, ugly and dead life of sin, selfishness, and ego and instead into His wonderful LIGHT!
For you are a chosen people, belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light ~1 Peter 2:9
The bible calls the REAL Heidi Johnson self or flesh…
“Jesus said to them, if anyone wants to be my follower, he must deny self, pick up his cross daily and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake *(like say…to love on broken, unloved children)*, you will save it. ~Luke 9:23-24 (the * part added by me)
This 5 part series is called Answering the call to embark on the Set Apart Adventure. The Set Apart Adventure is following Jesus. Honestly, it is the adventure of a lifetime. But Luke 9:23-24 says that in order to answer this call and start embarking on this adventure we MUST deny self (in my case the REAL Heidi Johnson), pick up my cross daily (notice that it says daily…this is a conscious decision we must make every morning) and only then can we follow Jesus and embark on the Adventure.
“God rescued me from the grave and now my life is filled with LIGHT” ~Job 33:28
God rescued my soul from an eternal death and has given me the gift (seriously, it’s a gift…I did absolutely nothing to deserve it) of a forever life with Him in Heaven. Not only that but He has saved me from living a “dead” life on earth filled with darkness and only focused on self. He instead has OVERFLOWED my life with His wonderful light! This light comes from Jesus living in your heart. He teaches you how to truly be alive! Jesus wants to live in your heart. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock” He says, “If anyone opens the door, I’ll come in”.
Will you open the door of your heart and let Jesus come in, change you, and fill you with His wonderful light??
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Part 1~ Creating a Holy Temple
God has given me a five part series to write called: Answering the Call to embark on a Set-Apart Adventure. The first part of this series is Cleaning and Preparing the Sanctuary /Temple for the Most High King. Before I start I want to tell you why I do this. Why I blog. Why I take the time to pray throughout this whole process and truly make sure that everything I write is exactly what God has asked me to write…
Honestly, I can’t stop writing. The Holy Spirit puts something so strongly on my heart and it’s impossible for me to not do my best to put it in words. I can’t turn it off. At least God hasn’t turned it off yet. I go through situations, I go through experiences, I see everyday miracles, and I go through life with my sweet Savior, Jesus Christ. Lately, God has been opening my eyes to the Heavenly realm and the spiritual battle surrounding us. I NEED to write it, all of it…it’s like breathing.

I was prinking (praying and thinking biblically or meditating on scripture) a month ago on a simple, campfire worship song called Sanctuary. It was the main chorus that was running through my head: “Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary. Pure and holy, tired and true. With Thanksgiving I’ll be a living Sanctuary for you”. I just sang that part over and over to myself and let it sink deep into my heart. And then I realized, as Christians we are to be living temples or Sanctuary’s. The Most High King wants to dwell within us! It is an amazing truth.
Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him, For God's temple is holy, and that temple you are. -- 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
I started to pray to God about how grateful I was that He is dwelling within me and is therefore with me wherever I go. But then God whispered to my heart, “Heidi, yes I am dwelling within you but it is SO messy in here. Sin, worldly desires, unforgiveness, bitterness, and pride are cluttering and defiling this temple that is supposed to be a Holy place! It is time for some much needed summer cleaning”
I was so taken aback by what God said! God, how do I possibly begin cleaning my inner temple to make it fit for a King? I started to look around my room. I could barely see the floor. It was quite a horrible sight to see…it looked like my closet exploded, my desk was stacked a mile high with papers, there was a mountain of books my by bed, old mugs half filled with two day old peppermint tea, and my walls were over crowded with pictures and random things: the area as a whole was extremely overwhelming!
“Look around your room my precious daughter, this disorderliness and messiness is what your inner temple feels like for me. Start with cleaning up your earthly sanctuary and I will teach you during that process how to clean your inner temple!”
Jesus is my Solid Rock, my Cornerstone. I am always amazed at how He fills me with SO much wisdom and understanding right when I need it most. So quickly either in written words or spoken; He always puts the right words in my mouth or heart.

The process of cleaning your inner (and physical) temple is time consuming, scary, and EXTREMELY messy…you are being forewarned!! However, it is always, always necessary. Because remember that as Christians throughout our whole lives God is molding us to be more like Jesus. It is a beautiful process of being refashioned into an utterly new creation.
When I was cleaning my room I had three boxes; keep, throw away, and donate. Cleaning your inner temple is the same process. I prayerfully went before God and let Him clean; let HIM choose what needed to go, what needed to stay, and what needed to be given away. For example, my devoted time in the morning and night for bible and prayer time needed to stay. On the other hand, my unforgiveness needed to go.
*A quick side note: unforgiveness is an extreme spiritual poison. It NEEDS to be gone as soon as possible, it is so harmful. I love what Corrie Ten Boom says on forgiveness, “I could not do it [forgive]. I was not able. Jesus in me was able to do it. You see, you never touch so much the ocean of God’s love as when you love those who hurt you”.*
This was the prayer I prayed to get rid of the unforgiveness: Father, clear my heart from any jealousy or unnecessary hurt. You have other plans for me. Plans for good and not harm. You have something custom designed for me. I can trust fully in you!
Something that had to be given away (donated) was all that God had been showing me the past year. I often times get scared to share the things that God reveals to me…mainly for fear of rejection, but God does not want me to keep it to myself but to proclaim it on the mountain tops and tell of the wonders of our God. (For those curious readers: Yes, that is another reason why I am writing this five part series)
Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. My health my fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart. He is mine FOREVER!...How good is it to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do. ~Psalm 73:25-26:28
I want to be able to say…”I desire you more than anything on earth…” and truly mean it and have that truth reflect in my life. God is the strength of my heart and my first and forever love. He has been my shelter during every one of life’s storms and raindrop moments. My prayer is that God continues to fill me with boldness to not let fear stop me from sharing the wonderful things He has done in my life. I long to know Jesus, serve Jesus, and to become more like Jesus.
During this time of cleaning and preparing my body to be a living temple for the King of kings and Lord of lords; David’s plea to God became the cry of my heart…”Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” ~Psalm 139: 23-24
Now I have inner temple that is fit for my sweet Jesus and a clean room which is my earthly sanctuary and temple where I go away to meet with God. A room for bible studies, devotions, prayer, journaling and writing, TONS of prinking, worship...and it even has become a place where God presence has been dwelling so strongly because I have been keeping it clean, not polluted by the world (that's right ABSOLUTELY NO teen magazines , Z100,etc allowed in my room) it is always ready to be used to meet with God that my sister uses my room for her devotion time too!

After this season of my life I can candidly say that…
“I am one of the rare and nearly extinct breed of God lovers who still lives and breathes what she believed back then. Only now it is more real than ever because it’s in me. God’s Spirit is in me, changing me. Not just around me, influencing me.”
Honestly, I can’t stop writing. The Holy Spirit puts something so strongly on my heart and it’s impossible for me to not do my best to put it in words. I can’t turn it off. At least God hasn’t turned it off yet. I go through situations, I go through experiences, I see everyday miracles, and I go through life with my sweet Savior, Jesus Christ. Lately, God has been opening my eyes to the Heavenly realm and the spiritual battle surrounding us. I NEED to write it, all of it…it’s like breathing.

I was prinking (praying and thinking biblically or meditating on scripture) a month ago on a simple, campfire worship song called Sanctuary. It was the main chorus that was running through my head: “Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary. Pure and holy, tired and true. With Thanksgiving I’ll be a living Sanctuary for you”. I just sang that part over and over to myself and let it sink deep into my heart. And then I realized, as Christians we are to be living temples or Sanctuary’s. The Most High King wants to dwell within us! It is an amazing truth.
Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him, For God's temple is holy, and that temple you are. -- 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
I started to pray to God about how grateful I was that He is dwelling within me and is therefore with me wherever I go. But then God whispered to my heart, “Heidi, yes I am dwelling within you but it is SO messy in here. Sin, worldly desires, unforgiveness, bitterness, and pride are cluttering and defiling this temple that is supposed to be a Holy place! It is time for some much needed summer cleaning”
I was so taken aback by what God said! God, how do I possibly begin cleaning my inner temple to make it fit for a King? I started to look around my room. I could barely see the floor. It was quite a horrible sight to see…it looked like my closet exploded, my desk was stacked a mile high with papers, there was a mountain of books my by bed, old mugs half filled with two day old peppermint tea, and my walls were over crowded with pictures and random things: the area as a whole was extremely overwhelming!
“Look around your room my precious daughter, this disorderliness and messiness is what your inner temple feels like for me. Start with cleaning up your earthly sanctuary and I will teach you during that process how to clean your inner temple!”
Jesus is my Solid Rock, my Cornerstone. I am always amazed at how He fills me with SO much wisdom and understanding right when I need it most. So quickly either in written words or spoken; He always puts the right words in my mouth or heart.
The process of cleaning your inner (and physical) temple is time consuming, scary, and EXTREMELY messy…you are being forewarned!! However, it is always, always necessary. Because remember that as Christians throughout our whole lives God is molding us to be more like Jesus. It is a beautiful process of being refashioned into an utterly new creation.
When I was cleaning my room I had three boxes; keep, throw away, and donate. Cleaning your inner temple is the same process. I prayerfully went before God and let Him clean; let HIM choose what needed to go, what needed to stay, and what needed to be given away. For example, my devoted time in the morning and night for bible and prayer time needed to stay. On the other hand, my unforgiveness needed to go.
*A quick side note: unforgiveness is an extreme spiritual poison. It NEEDS to be gone as soon as possible, it is so harmful. I love what Corrie Ten Boom says on forgiveness, “I could not do it [forgive]. I was not able. Jesus in me was able to do it. You see, you never touch so much the ocean of God’s love as when you love those who hurt you”.*
This was the prayer I prayed to get rid of the unforgiveness: Father, clear my heart from any jealousy or unnecessary hurt. You have other plans for me. Plans for good and not harm. You have something custom designed for me. I can trust fully in you!
Something that had to be given away (donated) was all that God had been showing me the past year. I often times get scared to share the things that God reveals to me…mainly for fear of rejection, but God does not want me to keep it to myself but to proclaim it on the mountain tops and tell of the wonders of our God. (For those curious readers: Yes, that is another reason why I am writing this five part series)
Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. My health my fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart. He is mine FOREVER!...How good is it to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do. ~Psalm 73:25-26:28
I want to be able to say…”I desire you more than anything on earth…” and truly mean it and have that truth reflect in my life. God is the strength of my heart and my first and forever love. He has been my shelter during every one of life’s storms and raindrop moments. My prayer is that God continues to fill me with boldness to not let fear stop me from sharing the wonderful things He has done in my life. I long to know Jesus, serve Jesus, and to become more like Jesus.
During this time of cleaning and preparing my body to be a living temple for the King of kings and Lord of lords; David’s plea to God became the cry of my heart…”Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” ~Psalm 139: 23-24
Now I have inner temple that is fit for my sweet Jesus and a clean room which is my earthly sanctuary and temple where I go away to meet with God. A room for bible studies, devotions, prayer, journaling and writing, TONS of prinking, worship...and it even has become a place where God presence has been dwelling so strongly because I have been keeping it clean, not polluted by the world (that's right ABSOLUTELY NO teen magazines , Z100,etc allowed in my room) it is always ready to be used to meet with God that my sister uses my room for her devotion time too!
After this season of my life I can candidly say that…
“I am one of the rare and nearly extinct breed of God lovers who still lives and breathes what she believed back then. Only now it is more real than ever because it’s in me. God’s Spirit is in me, changing me. Not just around me, influencing me.”
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Beauty in Brokeness

“The truth of the matter is...LIFE IS HARD. We do not choose our lives. If you are truly living by faith and relying on Jesus Christ, then does it really matter if life is hard? or accepted? or pleasing to others? NO, it only matters to Christ and Christ alone. So, the bottom line...who are you here to serve?” ~Anonymous
Being real with you all: it was a tough night in the Johnson household yesterday. Satan and the sinful flesh inside everyone seemed to be running around wild and out of control. Selfishness was the heart of the problem for all of us. However, there were also uncontrollable events (that life always seems to through at you) that set off this very unpleasant night.
Yet, on nights like yesterday, I always remember two important things:
1) To trust God, knowing He will see me through!
Being real with you all: it was a tough night in the Johnson household yesterday. Satan and the sinful flesh inside everyone seemed to be running around wild and out of control. Selfishness was the heart of the problem for all of us. However, there were also uncontrollable events (that life always seems to through at you) that set off this very unpleasant night.
Yet, on nights like yesterday, I always remember two important things:
1) To trust God, knowing He will see me through!
Perhaps faith is like that—it is not easy. But, in a way, it is very simple. We cannot do it by ourselves, that is obvious. But when we turn to Lord God Jehovah, he gives us what we are lacking—faith. That is exactly where I am tonight. It is not easy. Nothing about this day has been easy. But I will not make it through the night without faith. Please Lord, increase my faith that I might survive until morning. (Three Days, by Melody Carlson)
2) That we serve a God who takes broken things and broken people and transforms them into something beautiful and whole.
God is seriously an expert at using some of my darkest and tough nights and situations and using them for my good and for advancing His Kingdom here on Earth. Yesterday it was VERY obvious that I didn’t deny self…my pride and selfishness were on full parade in my life. And let me tell you that can quickly make a mess of things. By the time I realized what I had forgotten to do (deny my self and let Christ sit at the throne of my day) the damage was done. Throw in some unfortunate circumstances and three other people and you have a huge disaster just waiting to happen.
By the end of the night, I was on my face just begging God for forgiveness. I know that when I live for myself and my sinful desires it breaks God’s heart. But last night I could feel that I was hurting Him. I have never felt that way before. That very feeling is what brought me to my knees last night, just crying out for forgiveness. I HATE hurting God. Yet, the moment I cried out for forgiveness that horrible feeling was immediately gone. Instead, it was replaced by His supernatural grace, love, and patience.
Honestly, God shows me so much patience: especially when He has to remind me of something that He has taught or showed me a million times—like denying self everyday. He pours our His patience and all the resources of Heaven to help me fight and conquer the sin in my life. Last night it was the strength and power that I have from Christ that crucified my prideful and selfish heart and put Jesus Christ back on the throne of my heart.
Last night I remembered that God’s grace is deeper than the deepest ocean. And that no matter how far away we are from God, His love goes farther still! PRAISE THE LORD!!
Here is a quote from the book I am reading right now called, Under the Overpass, by Mike Yankoski. (I highly recommend this book; it is about the adventures of two college guys who choose to be homeless for six months to see if Jesus is truly everything they say He is)
“For some reason, I hardly ever admitted when things weren’t going well. Instead, I usually glossed over my struggles with an easy cliché like “it’s all good” or “hanging in there” and thought nothing of it. Psalm 34:18 says “The LORD is close to the broken-hearted.” I wonder if pretending you’re not broken keeps God at a distance.”
You need to realize your brokenness to truly understand your need for a Savior. How desperately we all need Jesus Christ in our lives and to praise God for His amazing love and power to use broken people and transform them over time to be more and more like Him. It is absolutely beautiful! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Jesus!!

Father, let me keep coming before you as the broken and sinful person we both know I am. Make me whole and new. Please, don’t let me EVER think that I can make it on my own and that I don’t need you to make me whole. Oh how I need you!! In order to be made new and whole I must constantly come before your throne and ask you to transform me to be more like Jesus. Less of me and more of YOU! Amen
Friday, July 30, 2010
Truly, the "harvest is plenty and the laborers are few"
I do not know the man that wrote this but I received it today. All I know is that I know the feeling that Chad writes about...about seeing the church playing in the river and seeing the lonely Christ all alone working in the fields and being in between him and the church. Hearing the cries of those who have not been helped or heard the good news of salvation. Please read this and share it. We need to respond...we need to take up our cross and be those that are helping Christ in the fields of the fatherless, the fields of the lost....
This has really changed me. I cannot begin to put it in words! It is long, but I PROMISE you it's worth every minute you give to read it...
Chad Taylor:
A Panoramic Vision of THE Harvest
I have had this repeated vision over and over the last 22 years since I was saved. I saw impressions of it when I walked across America in 1990 with only a sleeping bag and a "Jesus Saves" sign blazed across my backpack in neon red. I saw the vision while walking the streets of this nation's largest cities long after midnight.
It engraved itself in my consciousness as I preached on the streets of Seattle at the age of 18 with only the homeless and the gutter as my congregation. I have seen the same vision while ministering in the sultry south on the mean streets of Atlanta where racism and religion still prevail. Over and over the past 22 years this panoramic vision of "the harvest" has left its enduring mark on my soul, and finally I am to make it plain. Make it plain so that those that read it can run—run into this field the Bible calls, "The Harvest."
Vision of the Field
I saw a field going on endlessly as far as the eyes could see. It reminded me of the gravity of Abraham's vision in Genesis when God said, "Then He brought him outside and said, "Look now toward Heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them" (Genesis 15:5). That's how boundless this harvest field was. It stretched on in every direction, until it left you dizzy with the sheer magnitude of it all.
As I continued to look down the endless rows of wheat, I saw as it were a figure far off in the distance, working. The heat waves coming from the hard-packed ground made it difficult to see, so I stepped into the field to look closer. I glanced down at the furrows and rows and I noticed much of the ground was hard-packed and fallow, yet other smaller parts were dark with fertile soil and tilled. Large sections of the field that I could see from my vantage point were unharvested, and the ground showed signs of neglect—fallow, hard and dry.
I continued to walk toward the figure that I had first noticed deep in the field. I heard a peculiar sound as if it were coming from all directions. Like a distant whine or a baby crying? I stopped to listen more closely. I heard it more audibly now as I paused—it was a mournful cry, like someone weeping. As I listened more intently, I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, "It's the cry of the harvest; a forgotten, abandoned harvest—like a baby left discarded from its mother!"
I could clearly hear the mourning and crying from this wide harvest field as if it was crying out to be redeemed, accepted and received. I was shaken and my heart broke as I heard the pitiful cry of the harvest all around me. The words of Job sounded like a crashing cymbal in my spirit, "O earth, do not cover my blood; may my cry never be laid to rest!" (Job
16:18). This harvest of disquieted souls refused to be discounted, and their plaintive cry came before me.
Vision of the River
I continued walking and the cry from the harvest seemed to wane; it appeared that the figure in the field was now even farther away. As I continued to walk down the rows which were mostly dry and cracked, unexpectedly I caught the scent of water. I abruptly turned toward the breeze that carried the smell of fresh water wafting through the air and I began to run toward it. I pushed through row after row of heavy-laden stocks of wheat bent over and bowing low to the ground. I sprung right through one more row, and there it was—the river.
I was taken aback in this series of endless rows of grain and then, abruptly, this gurgling river. Before I could run and leap into the cold water, drinking from its welcoming shore, I looked at what was before me and I was still. In the river and along its sides were hundreds if not thousands of men, women and children jumping, swimming and laughing.
I yelled from where I was near the edge of the harvest field only a few dozen yards away, but they could not hear me. The people were deaf to my cries as if I was not even present. Didn't they see the figure working in the distance all alone? Didn't they hear the despairing cry coming from the very field that was all around them? Didn't they see the massive field that was left unattended and forgotten? Couldn't they see me just a stone's throw away, waving my hands and shouting? Some were even gazing intently into the river as if they were hypnotized by its ebb and tide. It was uncanny.
A Sudden Anguish Swept Over Me at a Revelation of the Immense Labor Left Undone
The river was so intoxicating and appealing, it took a great deal of effort not to be drawn closer by its strong allure and promise of refreshing. I was about to step in closer when the sound of crying and mourning grew louder. The cry of the harvest pierced my heart again and I turned back toward the field. I saw the lonely figure in the now-setting horizon and was determined to forge ahead.
I looked back one more time at the crowds and the river. I was amazed that they were somehow completely unaware of the vast expanse of field that surrounded them on both sides. The persistent cry of the harvest could not reach their ears; either because of the festivities or a mystery that I did not understand. I tried shouting again and pointing toward the figure alone in the field, but no one even glanced at me or heard.
A sudden anguish swept over me at a revelation of the immense labor left undone as the field stretched out for endless miles around me. Solomon, in his equally endless wisdom wrote, "There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under Heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1). I knew beyond any doubt at this moment it was time to labor. The fields were ready. They were ripe.
I called to mind another Scripture that leapt from the pages of the Bible, "Whoever gathers in the summer is a wise son. Whoever sleeps at harvest time brings shame..." (Proverbs 10:5). Lord, never let me be put to shame!
Vision of the Headstone
I finally turned my back on the river and took in the rich harvest anew before me. Jesus' exhortation to His early disciples in Matthew 9:37-38 was now in striking clarity as I gazed out at the field, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." I asked myself that very moment, "Lord, did I forget to pray?"
I began to walk doggedly toward the lonely figure, at times stopping because of the heat. Then unexpectedly, I stumbled upon what seemed like a stone or some kind of marker off ahead in the dirt. It looked like a carved stone or rock, apparently there for some inherent purpose. I noticed bouquets of flowers, all kinds of memorabilia and small personal items scattered around. As I drew up closer I knew what it was—a grave marker like in a cemetery, and clearly inscribed on it were the words, "The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and we are not saved" (Jeremiah 8:20).
I was aghast. Below this agonizing inscription I saw specific years of the calendar etched in its stone: 1610, 1689, 1705, 1790, 1830, 1875, 1920, 1945, 1970, 1989, 2000 and so forth. Other dates were recorded below but were worn and illegible. I knew what they were—times and seasons, dates and generations where a great cycle of harvest had come upon the earth and had not been seized; a kairos moment that had come and gone.
One More Date Was Carved in the Headstone: 2020
At the very top of the marker was one more number as if it had just been cut into the stone—2020. I was cognizant in that moment that through the years of 2000 to 2020 was another divine cycle or season for the harvest of souls in the earth. We are in the middle of that cycle now in 2010. 2020 was a divine mile-marker in the world's history and also a great signpost for Heaven as well. I dropped to my knees right there in the field and cried aloud, praying, "Lord, send out laborers! Lord, here am I. Send me!"
Flowers and trinkets adorned the headstone as if generation after generation had paid homage to times past, rather than seizing the moments that they had then. Historic opportunities had come to win the world to Christ but had passed them by. I was melancholy and sad as I watched this memorial stone fade behind me while I continued to walk deeper into the field.
What I saw next was unforgettable: The headstone was now only a memory when out of the heat-waves and swaying wheat I saw an angel and a woman.
Vision of the Angel and the Woman
The woman was dressed in what appeared to be Biblical-era clothing and was gleaning in the field behind what was clearly an angel. Her faded lavender dress was laden with wheat as she filled a large basket beside her. A red sash was around her waist. I knew exactly who it was—Ruth! The Ruth I had been recently reading about and ministering from in the Bible. That vivid illustration in God's Word where Ruth followed the reapers in Boaz's field was right there before me. I remembered the Scripture in Ruth that stated, "And she went, and came, and gleaned in the field after the reapers" (Ruth 2:3).
It was such a sight to see the angel a few yards ahead of her with a scythe cutting the wheat in bushels. They both worked in tandem, reaping the wheat seamlessly in a synchronized motion as if it was rehearsed. I stared in awe at this amazing sight and I knew it was prophetic; a divine message played out in this drama unfolding before me. Then the words of Jesus in Matthew added one more stroke to this masterpiece I was beholding, "The harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels" (Matthew 13:39).
Ruth is a picture of an end-time Church following the Kingdom of God into the fields of nations, preparing the way of the Lord. A time was now upon us that we would work with the angels of Heaven invisibly in the immense field that lies before this present generation. Heaven and earth would work in unprecedented unison to see it reaped.
I remembered in Jewish tradition that on every Pentecost the book of Ruth is read. On Pentecost in the Upper Room when they were waiting on the promise of the Holy Spirit's power that would take them around the world, the story of Ruth was repeated. As I stood in this vision, I saw it too. We are the Bride that would find her Boaz, her Christ, in the threshing floor of nations. That's where the lovers of God would truly be found. I prayed that He would find me there, too—in the field.
Vision of the Clouds
Abruptly and without warning, a dark cloud came down blackening the air with strange smells and acrid smoke. I was nearly blinded, my eyes watering as this strange cloud descended. It took all of my senses not to give into a sudden feeling of drowsiness; my eyes grew heavy and I could barely walk. I was like a drunken man weaving back and forth in between the rows of wheat, staggering. Voices came from somewhere in the smoke; it sounded strangely like music, and then at other times it was incoherent. I was disoriented and confused, and I desperately tried to find my way out of the cloud.
As this disturbing experience continued, a specific Scripture arrested me, "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." (Matthew 26:41).
I fell to my knees as this terrible smoke swirled around me, and I began to pray loudly, "Lord, here am I, send me! Lord, lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil!" As I continued praying, a breeze which transformed into a gust of wind began to blow and the cloud retreated. I knew this wind was the "Ruach HaKodesh" or the Spirit of God. This was the same wind that brought the dead bones to life in Ezekiel and the same wind that blew through the Upper Room and sent them outward to the uttermost parts of the world. It was that same Spirit which was clearing the dark smoke from the air, now giving me a clear vision of the harvest field again and the lone figure in the distance. I had my senses back.
As I looked out again at the endless rows of wheat, I saw similar dark little clouds appearing, swirling. These clouds were distractions and mirages that caused many to withdraw or to simply freeze and do nothing. I recalled another Scripture as I stood where the cloud had once been only seconds ago, and I prayed it out loud, "(God) hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son!" (Colossians 1:13).
Vision of the Saints
I continued to walk now with more resolve and I began to see large patches of field already reaped in sheaves. Every hundred yards or so I would come upon another swathe of harvest that was thoroughly cut down and laying in perfect piles of sheaves bound tightly in bundles. I marveled at the harvested portions of field and wondered out loud who could have done it. I looked more closely and I saw memorial markers or capstones near the middle of these cleared out areas. I walked up to one in particular in a very large and wide harvested area, and it read simply, "Corrie Ten Boom."
I walked on further and I read another capstone in a cleared area nearby, and it read, "William and Catherine Booth." Each area of field had a small memorial to the Christian that had harvested so diligently in it. Most of the names I had never heard of before. Others I had only heard or read before in books and memoirs such as, "Jim Elliot," "Hudson Taylor," and "D.L. Moody."
I continued to walk, observing each harvested area, and finally I stopped to pray in another clearing. I prayed out loud, "Lord, let there be a small memory of my work on this earth as well. Whether it is to be read by others or not, let my short life mean something even as these others before me have." I remembered the prayer of David and I said it out loud: "Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered—how fleeting my life is." (Psalm 39:4)
Vision of the Lonely Christ
I stubbornly left this last patch of harvested wheat, not wanting to depart, somehow thinking that one of these great harvesters would step out of the field to meet me. No one did. I was once again drawn to the lonely sentinel that worked in the field ahead. As I focused on the personage again, it didn't seem as far as it was before. I could now make out the face and appearance. It was Jesus. He was sweating and dirty, working vigorously and tirelessly. He looked up at me and wiped the sweat from His brow, and said, "So, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."
He had such a sad look on His face, yet I knew He was happy to see me. I had pressed on and not been deterred even by the glorious things I had glimpsed—the river, the saints before me, the angels and the woman that harvested. I had pressed into the field even beyond the frightening cloud that had tried to stop me. He spoke again, "Awake you that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light" (Ephesians 5:14). I was awake.
I knew this was a prophetic panorama of the great harvest of humanity that Jesus had spoken of in the Bible. It was also a stark revelation of the utter lack of laborers despite over 2,000 years of enterprise. Now after all that I had seen in this vision, nothing could compare to the lonely anguished look on Jesus' face as He invited me into "the fellowship of His suffering." I remembered in the garden of Gethsemane He had asked His disciples to pray with Him in that, His darkest hour. Now, He is not only requesting us to pray with Him but to work with Him in the harvest fields of the world—the colossal expanse of human life where the more than half of earth's populations has never even heard of or extolled the name of Jesus Christ.
As this vision was ending, Jesus stopped toiling for a moment and looked back at me with a look of kindness. He handed me His threshing instrument and said almost in a whisper, "Ask of Me, and I shall give you the heathen for your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession" (Psalm 2:8).
I bowed down greatly.
Chad Taylor
Consuming Fire Ministries
This has really changed me. I cannot begin to put it in words! It is long, but I PROMISE you it's worth every minute you give to read it...
Chad Taylor:
A Panoramic Vision of THE Harvest
I have had this repeated vision over and over the last 22 years since I was saved. I saw impressions of it when I walked across America in 1990 with only a sleeping bag and a "Jesus Saves" sign blazed across my backpack in neon red. I saw the vision while walking the streets of this nation's largest cities long after midnight.
It engraved itself in my consciousness as I preached on the streets of Seattle at the age of 18 with only the homeless and the gutter as my congregation. I have seen the same vision while ministering in the sultry south on the mean streets of Atlanta where racism and religion still prevail. Over and over the past 22 years this panoramic vision of "the harvest" has left its enduring mark on my soul, and finally I am to make it plain. Make it plain so that those that read it can run—run into this field the Bible calls, "The Harvest."
Vision of the Field
I saw a field going on endlessly as far as the eyes could see. It reminded me of the gravity of Abraham's vision in Genesis when God said, "Then He brought him outside and said, "Look now toward Heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them" (Genesis 15:5). That's how boundless this harvest field was. It stretched on in every direction, until it left you dizzy with the sheer magnitude of it all.
As I continued to look down the endless rows of wheat, I saw as it were a figure far off in the distance, working. The heat waves coming from the hard-packed ground made it difficult to see, so I stepped into the field to look closer. I glanced down at the furrows and rows and I noticed much of the ground was hard-packed and fallow, yet other smaller parts were dark with fertile soil and tilled. Large sections of the field that I could see from my vantage point were unharvested, and the ground showed signs of neglect—fallow, hard and dry.
I continued to walk toward the figure that I had first noticed deep in the field. I heard a peculiar sound as if it were coming from all directions. Like a distant whine or a baby crying? I stopped to listen more closely. I heard it more audibly now as I paused—it was a mournful cry, like someone weeping. As I listened more intently, I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, "It's the cry of the harvest; a forgotten, abandoned harvest—like a baby left discarded from its mother!"
I could clearly hear the mourning and crying from this wide harvest field as if it was crying out to be redeemed, accepted and received. I was shaken and my heart broke as I heard the pitiful cry of the harvest all around me. The words of Job sounded like a crashing cymbal in my spirit, "O earth, do not cover my blood; may my cry never be laid to rest!" (Job
16:18). This harvest of disquieted souls refused to be discounted, and their plaintive cry came before me.
Vision of the River
I continued walking and the cry from the harvest seemed to wane; it appeared that the figure in the field was now even farther away. As I continued to walk down the rows which were mostly dry and cracked, unexpectedly I caught the scent of water. I abruptly turned toward the breeze that carried the smell of fresh water wafting through the air and I began to run toward it. I pushed through row after row of heavy-laden stocks of wheat bent over and bowing low to the ground. I sprung right through one more row, and there it was—the river.
I was taken aback in this series of endless rows of grain and then, abruptly, this gurgling river. Before I could run and leap into the cold water, drinking from its welcoming shore, I looked at what was before me and I was still. In the river and along its sides were hundreds if not thousands of men, women and children jumping, swimming and laughing.
I yelled from where I was near the edge of the harvest field only a few dozen yards away, but they could not hear me. The people were deaf to my cries as if I was not even present. Didn't they see the figure working in the distance all alone? Didn't they hear the despairing cry coming from the very field that was all around them? Didn't they see the massive field that was left unattended and forgotten? Couldn't they see me just a stone's throw away, waving my hands and shouting? Some were even gazing intently into the river as if they were hypnotized by its ebb and tide. It was uncanny.
A Sudden Anguish Swept Over Me at a Revelation of the Immense Labor Left Undone
The river was so intoxicating and appealing, it took a great deal of effort not to be drawn closer by its strong allure and promise of refreshing. I was about to step in closer when the sound of crying and mourning grew louder. The cry of the harvest pierced my heart again and I turned back toward the field. I saw the lonely figure in the now-setting horizon and was determined to forge ahead.
I looked back one more time at the crowds and the river. I was amazed that they were somehow completely unaware of the vast expanse of field that surrounded them on both sides. The persistent cry of the harvest could not reach their ears; either because of the festivities or a mystery that I did not understand. I tried shouting again and pointing toward the figure alone in the field, but no one even glanced at me or heard.
A sudden anguish swept over me at a revelation of the immense labor left undone as the field stretched out for endless miles around me. Solomon, in his equally endless wisdom wrote, "There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under Heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1). I knew beyond any doubt at this moment it was time to labor. The fields were ready. They were ripe.
I called to mind another Scripture that leapt from the pages of the Bible, "Whoever gathers in the summer is a wise son. Whoever sleeps at harvest time brings shame..." (Proverbs 10:5). Lord, never let me be put to shame!
Vision of the Headstone
I finally turned my back on the river and took in the rich harvest anew before me. Jesus' exhortation to His early disciples in Matthew 9:37-38 was now in striking clarity as I gazed out at the field, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." I asked myself that very moment, "Lord, did I forget to pray?"
I began to walk doggedly toward the lonely figure, at times stopping because of the heat. Then unexpectedly, I stumbled upon what seemed like a stone or some kind of marker off ahead in the dirt. It looked like a carved stone or rock, apparently there for some inherent purpose. I noticed bouquets of flowers, all kinds of memorabilia and small personal items scattered around. As I drew up closer I knew what it was—a grave marker like in a cemetery, and clearly inscribed on it were the words, "The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and we are not saved" (Jeremiah 8:20).
I was aghast. Below this agonizing inscription I saw specific years of the calendar etched in its stone: 1610, 1689, 1705, 1790, 1830, 1875, 1920, 1945, 1970, 1989, 2000 and so forth. Other dates were recorded below but were worn and illegible. I knew what they were—times and seasons, dates and generations where a great cycle of harvest had come upon the earth and had not been seized; a kairos moment that had come and gone.
One More Date Was Carved in the Headstone: 2020
At the very top of the marker was one more number as if it had just been cut into the stone—2020. I was cognizant in that moment that through the years of 2000 to 2020 was another divine cycle or season for the harvest of souls in the earth. We are in the middle of that cycle now in 2010. 2020 was a divine mile-marker in the world's history and also a great signpost for Heaven as well. I dropped to my knees right there in the field and cried aloud, praying, "Lord, send out laborers! Lord, here am I. Send me!"
Flowers and trinkets adorned the headstone as if generation after generation had paid homage to times past, rather than seizing the moments that they had then. Historic opportunities had come to win the world to Christ but had passed them by. I was melancholy and sad as I watched this memorial stone fade behind me while I continued to walk deeper into the field.
What I saw next was unforgettable: The headstone was now only a memory when out of the heat-waves and swaying wheat I saw an angel and a woman.
Vision of the Angel and the Woman
The woman was dressed in what appeared to be Biblical-era clothing and was gleaning in the field behind what was clearly an angel. Her faded lavender dress was laden with wheat as she filled a large basket beside her. A red sash was around her waist. I knew exactly who it was—Ruth! The Ruth I had been recently reading about and ministering from in the Bible. That vivid illustration in God's Word where Ruth followed the reapers in Boaz's field was right there before me. I remembered the Scripture in Ruth that stated, "And she went, and came, and gleaned in the field after the reapers" (Ruth 2:3).
It was such a sight to see the angel a few yards ahead of her with a scythe cutting the wheat in bushels. They both worked in tandem, reaping the wheat seamlessly in a synchronized motion as if it was rehearsed. I stared in awe at this amazing sight and I knew it was prophetic; a divine message played out in this drama unfolding before me. Then the words of Jesus in Matthew added one more stroke to this masterpiece I was beholding, "The harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels" (Matthew 13:39).
Ruth is a picture of an end-time Church following the Kingdom of God into the fields of nations, preparing the way of the Lord. A time was now upon us that we would work with the angels of Heaven invisibly in the immense field that lies before this present generation. Heaven and earth would work in unprecedented unison to see it reaped.
I remembered in Jewish tradition that on every Pentecost the book of Ruth is read. On Pentecost in the Upper Room when they were waiting on the promise of the Holy Spirit's power that would take them around the world, the story of Ruth was repeated. As I stood in this vision, I saw it too. We are the Bride that would find her Boaz, her Christ, in the threshing floor of nations. That's where the lovers of God would truly be found. I prayed that He would find me there, too—in the field.
Vision of the Clouds
Abruptly and without warning, a dark cloud came down blackening the air with strange smells and acrid smoke. I was nearly blinded, my eyes watering as this strange cloud descended. It took all of my senses not to give into a sudden feeling of drowsiness; my eyes grew heavy and I could barely walk. I was like a drunken man weaving back and forth in between the rows of wheat, staggering. Voices came from somewhere in the smoke; it sounded strangely like music, and then at other times it was incoherent. I was disoriented and confused, and I desperately tried to find my way out of the cloud.
As this disturbing experience continued, a specific Scripture arrested me, "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." (Matthew 26:41).
I fell to my knees as this terrible smoke swirled around me, and I began to pray loudly, "Lord, here am I, send me! Lord, lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil!" As I continued praying, a breeze which transformed into a gust of wind began to blow and the cloud retreated. I knew this wind was the "Ruach HaKodesh" or the Spirit of God. This was the same wind that brought the dead bones to life in Ezekiel and the same wind that blew through the Upper Room and sent them outward to the uttermost parts of the world. It was that same Spirit which was clearing the dark smoke from the air, now giving me a clear vision of the harvest field again and the lone figure in the distance. I had my senses back.
As I looked out again at the endless rows of wheat, I saw similar dark little clouds appearing, swirling. These clouds were distractions and mirages that caused many to withdraw or to simply freeze and do nothing. I recalled another Scripture as I stood where the cloud had once been only seconds ago, and I prayed it out loud, "(God) hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son!" (Colossians 1:13).
Vision of the Saints
I continued to walk now with more resolve and I began to see large patches of field already reaped in sheaves. Every hundred yards or so I would come upon another swathe of harvest that was thoroughly cut down and laying in perfect piles of sheaves bound tightly in bundles. I marveled at the harvested portions of field and wondered out loud who could have done it. I looked more closely and I saw memorial markers or capstones near the middle of these cleared out areas. I walked up to one in particular in a very large and wide harvested area, and it read simply, "Corrie Ten Boom."
I walked on further and I read another capstone in a cleared area nearby, and it read, "William and Catherine Booth." Each area of field had a small memorial to the Christian that had harvested so diligently in it. Most of the names I had never heard of before. Others I had only heard or read before in books and memoirs such as, "Jim Elliot," "Hudson Taylor," and "D.L. Moody."
I continued to walk, observing each harvested area, and finally I stopped to pray in another clearing. I prayed out loud, "Lord, let there be a small memory of my work on this earth as well. Whether it is to be read by others or not, let my short life mean something even as these others before me have." I remembered the prayer of David and I said it out loud: "Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered—how fleeting my life is." (Psalm 39:4)
Vision of the Lonely Christ
I stubbornly left this last patch of harvested wheat, not wanting to depart, somehow thinking that one of these great harvesters would step out of the field to meet me. No one did. I was once again drawn to the lonely sentinel that worked in the field ahead. As I focused on the personage again, it didn't seem as far as it was before. I could now make out the face and appearance. It was Jesus. He was sweating and dirty, working vigorously and tirelessly. He looked up at me and wiped the sweat from His brow, and said, "So, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."
He had such a sad look on His face, yet I knew He was happy to see me. I had pressed on and not been deterred even by the glorious things I had glimpsed—the river, the saints before me, the angels and the woman that harvested. I had pressed into the field even beyond the frightening cloud that had tried to stop me. He spoke again, "Awake you that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light" (Ephesians 5:14). I was awake.
I knew this was a prophetic panorama of the great harvest of humanity that Jesus had spoken of in the Bible. It was also a stark revelation of the utter lack of laborers despite over 2,000 years of enterprise. Now after all that I had seen in this vision, nothing could compare to the lonely anguished look on Jesus' face as He invited me into "the fellowship of His suffering." I remembered in the garden of Gethsemane He had asked His disciples to pray with Him in that, His darkest hour. Now, He is not only requesting us to pray with Him but to work with Him in the harvest fields of the world—the colossal expanse of human life where the more than half of earth's populations has never even heard of or extolled the name of Jesus Christ.
As this vision was ending, Jesus stopped toiling for a moment and looked back at me with a look of kindness. He handed me His threshing instrument and said almost in a whisper, "Ask of Me, and I shall give you the heathen for your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession" (Psalm 2:8).
I bowed down greatly.
Chad Taylor
Consuming Fire Ministries
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