“The truth of the matter is...LIFE IS HARD. We do not choose our lives. If you are truly living by faith and relying on Jesus Christ, then does it really matter if life is hard? or accepted? or pleasing to others? NO, it only matters to Christ and Christ alone. So, the bottom line...who are you here to serve?” ~Anonymous
Being real with you all: it was a tough night in the Johnson household yesterday. Satan and the sinful flesh inside everyone seemed to be running around wild and out of control. Selfishness was the heart of the problem for all of us. However, there were also uncontrollable events (that life always seems to through at you) that set off this very unpleasant night.
Yet, on nights like yesterday, I always remember two important things:
1) To trust God, knowing He will see me through!
Being real with you all: it was a tough night in the Johnson household yesterday. Satan and the sinful flesh inside everyone seemed to be running around wild and out of control. Selfishness was the heart of the problem for all of us. However, there were also uncontrollable events (that life always seems to through at you) that set off this very unpleasant night.
Yet, on nights like yesterday, I always remember two important things:
1) To trust God, knowing He will see me through!
Perhaps faith is like that—it is not easy. But, in a way, it is very simple. We cannot do it by ourselves, that is obvious. But when we turn to Lord God Jehovah, he gives us what we are lacking—faith. That is exactly where I am tonight. It is not easy. Nothing about this day has been easy. But I will not make it through the night without faith. Please Lord, increase my faith that I might survive until morning. (Three Days, by Melody Carlson)
2) That we serve a God who takes broken things and broken people and transforms them into something beautiful and whole.
God is seriously an expert at using some of my darkest and tough nights and situations and using them for my good and for advancing His Kingdom here on Earth. Yesterday it was VERY obvious that I didn’t deny self…my pride and selfishness were on full parade in my life. And let me tell you that can quickly make a mess of things. By the time I realized what I had forgotten to do (deny my self and let Christ sit at the throne of my day) the damage was done. Throw in some unfortunate circumstances and three other people and you have a huge disaster just waiting to happen.
By the end of the night, I was on my face just begging God for forgiveness. I know that when I live for myself and my sinful desires it breaks God’s heart. But last night I could feel that I was hurting Him. I have never felt that way before. That very feeling is what brought me to my knees last night, just crying out for forgiveness. I HATE hurting God. Yet, the moment I cried out for forgiveness that horrible feeling was immediately gone. Instead, it was replaced by His supernatural grace, love, and patience.
Honestly, God shows me so much patience: especially when He has to remind me of something that He has taught or showed me a million times—like denying self everyday. He pours our His patience and all the resources of Heaven to help me fight and conquer the sin in my life. Last night it was the strength and power that I have from Christ that crucified my prideful and selfish heart and put Jesus Christ back on the throne of my heart.
Last night I remembered that God’s grace is deeper than the deepest ocean. And that no matter how far away we are from God, His love goes farther still! PRAISE THE LORD!!
Here is a quote from the book I am reading right now called, Under the Overpass, by Mike Yankoski. (I highly recommend this book; it is about the adventures of two college guys who choose to be homeless for six months to see if Jesus is truly everything they say He is)
“For some reason, I hardly ever admitted when things weren’t going well. Instead, I usually glossed over my struggles with an easy cliché like “it’s all good” or “hanging in there” and thought nothing of it. Psalm 34:18 says “The LORD is close to the broken-hearted.” I wonder if pretending you’re not broken keeps God at a distance.”
You need to realize your brokenness to truly understand your need for a Savior. How desperately we all need Jesus Christ in our lives and to praise God for His amazing love and power to use broken people and transform them over time to be more and more like Him. It is absolutely beautiful! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Jesus!!

Father, let me keep coming before you as the broken and sinful person we both know I am. Make me whole and new. Please, don’t let me EVER think that I can make it on my own and that I don’t need you to make me whole. Oh how I need you!! In order to be made new and whole I must constantly come before your throne and ask you to transform me to be more like Jesus. Less of me and more of YOU! Amen
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