Why is it that we shy away from the call of greatness? Why do we walk away from the adventure of a lifetime; a chance to be used by God in ways that seem impossible? All the power, strength, might, and love of God is ours as His children to wield upon this earth. To make earth a little more like Heaven! And yet still people turn away from such a majestic call. Well let me tell you: I will NOT turn away from this call. I know who wins this spiritual battle and you better believe I am going to give my life serving the winning side.
Jesus Christ is the rightful King of this earth. We cannot rest until everyone on earth knows about all that He is and has done for us! My soul longs for the day that earth will be filled with the glory of God, like the waters cover the sea. “Until that day, our swords (keep in mind this is a spiritual sword) will not rest, our prayers will not cease, and our passion cannot and will not dim”.
“Let us remember that God’s Word stands forever, and that His commandments mean for us today exactly the same as for His disciples twenty centuries ago. Those who act on them, in obedience, will in the same way prove God’s almighty power…Our fight is not against a physical army, a political party, an atheistic organization—or anything like that. Our fight is against organizations and powers that are spiritual.” –Corrie Ten Boom
“Beautiful words stir my heart…Pick up your sword, O mighty warrior! Ride out to victory defending truth, humility, and justice. Go forth to perform awe-inspiring deeds…Therefore God, your God has anointed YOU, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than anyone else.” ~Psalm 45
“Christianity is about a Kingdom, a glory, a power, a grace, a righteousness, an eternal triumph, and yielding to the all powerful King who is bringing it all about.” ~Eric Ludy
Christianity isn’t about being some fairy tale character in a dreamland but being a warrior for Christ in a very REAL battle adventure. I can promise you, living out the Gospel, following Jesus Christ wherever He may take you…is a genuine adventure of a lifetime. Each day is a brand new adventure and I wake up every morning excited for what the day will bring. Ready for whatever the Lord will have me do. Living a life that is completely spent on the things my Almighty Father and Savior deems most important.
We as Christians cannot listen to scripture like…"Jesus said to them, if anyone wants to be my follower, he must deny self, pick up his cross daily and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. ~Luke 9:23-24”…and not act on it when it convicts our heart. We must act and be obedient to what the Lord tells us to do. We must realize that unbelievers and even other Christians will make their impressions of Christ based on how we live. We cannot live a godly life shining and reflecting the radiance of God without Him dwelling within us. We need to be obedient to the Word of God and never stop fixing our gaze on Jesus Christ.
Know without a doubt that Jesus will continue to fill you up, change your heart to break for what breaks His heart, and if you lose your way or your light begins to dim—He will make you radiant once again! Chase hard after Christ with all you have. Keep breathing in His love and grace.
You don’t have to pray for Jesus to walk with you, to be by your side on this adventure because He has invited YOU to be apart of this adventure. Of course He will be by your side. What the real question is: Will you except the call and be by His side no matter where it may take you; no matter what you may have to give up or do…will you still stay by Jesus side? That my friends, is the true question you should be asking. Not whether or not Jesus will stay by your side because He promises He will never leave or forsake you. Can you promise the same to Him?
If God calls you to it. He will enable you to bear it! Jesus never asks us to risk, dare, or do anything that He Himself wouldn’t do.
My prayer for myself everyday is to reflect the radiant love of Christ, which burns so deeply inside me, to everyone God puts in my life. Father, I don’t want it to be my words but Your words! You are the one that changes hearts and transforms lives. Let me be a channel of Your love and power to the world. Work through me. Speak through me. I long to bring glory to Your wonderful name.
“When we yield our bodies to God, He moves us to action. He loves through us. He prays through us. He becomes a father (or mother) to the orphans through us. He rescues the oppressed through us. And He demonstrates His Holiness through us. It is not us that pulls of this miracle, but Christ working in us. God can do it!” ~Eric Ludy
"Not to us, O LORD, but to YOUR name be the glory, because of Your love and faithfulness" ~Psalm 115:1
Regrettably, my prideful and selfish heart gets in the way of being able to reflect Jesus Christ to the world 24/7. After I mess up big time, miss the mark of the person God calls me to me, or fall into sin, I like to read about David. The bible says David was “a man after God’s own heart”. He did some amazing, seemingly impossible things for the Kingdom of God. Yet, he also made some mistakes and poor choices. But every time he fell into sin he would take a step back, fall on his knees and cry out to God in repentance and ask for forgiveness. He would go back to his roots, his first love in God and let Him restore and set him back on track. The forgiveness of Jesus not only takes away our sins and puts us back on track; it makes them (our sins) as if they had never happened.
“Your sins and iniquities will I remember NO MORE! ~Hebrews 10:17
Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. God ALWAYS keeps His word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching (Jesus’ return). ~Hebrews 10:23-25 MSG
You are not guaranteed tomorrow. You do not know when Jesus will call you home. Or even more importantly…when Jesus will return. Live everyday like it would be your last. I know if I knew I only had one day to live I would want to spend it pouring myself out on Kingdom work. Loving others, sharing the Gospel, and helping people grow in their faith…not stressing about worldly things. When you live a life not in fear of death but in acknowledgement that it could happen at anytime; you live a more relaxed and Christ centered life. Not worried about the things of this temporary world.
But as for me, I know my Redeemer lives, and He will stand upon the earth at last. And after my body has decade without my earthly body I will see God! I will see Him for myself. Yes, I will see Him with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought. ~Job 19:25-27
This poem is something that inspires me every single day! I hope it inspires you as well. May we all live lives centered on inviting as many people to the brilliant city in the Heavens where Jesus Christ sits as KING!
When she enters the beautiful city
And the saved all around her appear
Many people around her will tell her,
It was YOU that invited me here
~Unknown Author